Everyone Moves along Their Own Vector

557Question: How can a person act correctly without making any calculations? For example, for someone, attendance at morning lessons and participation in various events are normal learning conditions, and it is hard for others to attend lessons every day. What should  a person do?

Answer: Let him come as much he can, that is his business. Everyone acts according to the measure of importance. One is present every day, it is very important for him not to miss anything; for him every minute in the lesson is a necessity. And for another, it is normal to come once a month and, as they say, join in.

We give everyone the opportunity to act as they wish. At the same time, we do not remove their freewill, but we simply talk about the importance of the goal. And now, let them try to do what they can, each in their own way.

Let’s say one will make clips about Kabbalah, another will write articles, the third will constantly go to classes and only, so to speak, gnaw at the granite of science, the fourth will compose songs, and so on. Each student moves along his own vector, in accordance with his internal structure. So what? Do not compare them with each other.

Question: So, one student should not put pressure on another?

Answer: He has no right! He can only raise the greatness of the goal in him—nothing more.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Coercion Against a Friend” 6/9/12

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