The Powerful Influence of the Environment

528.01Question: You said that in order to unite we need to try to raise the importance of things that can stimulate us. Who does it depend on whether a person touches it or will retreat after all?

Answer: Only on him. In some ways it depends on the friends around him, but then it would not be his decision, but their pressure.

Question: How is it possible to encourage a person to overcome his rejection of others?

Answer: Work, to work on it all the time!

Now that we constantly hold workshops and discussions, a person falls under the powerful influence of everyone else and it relaxes him, lowers his egoism, draws him in, and lifts him up.

He is imbued with unity, feels great power in it! It gives him such a pleasant feeling that after that it is easier for him to get in touch with the group. I think that this will greatly accelerate our progress toward correction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. As Long as I am Alive, They Will Only Suffer” 6/2/12

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