What Blocks Our Uniting?

565.01Comment: Let’s say a person understands 100% that he has to come to his friends and embrace them. He approaches them, and then some kind of blockage occurs in him. He cannot even touch these people; it is not in his power.

My Response: It is a very good state! Beautiful! I understand this very well!

Question: But what is blocking him, and how can he do something?

Answer: He is blocked by the lack of need for it.

He needs a shock, the realization that he will not survive without it. He should be in such a state that if he does not do this, then his very unsightly behavior will be revealed, which will hit his pride, and cause sizzling shame in front of everyone.

He needs to raise the necessity of this movement in himself like a person who grasps at straws. “There is nothing to grab because you are drowning! How will this straw help you?” But he grabs. That is the feeling he lacks. There is not enough sense of necessity! Moreover, the necessity without which there is death. He has to repeatedly convince himself of this.

Comment: But the trick of egoism is that it finds a bunch of things against it.

My Response: It is that same light that shows you how much you are not ready to connect with it yet.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. As Long as I’m Alive, They will Only Suffer…” 6/2/12

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