The Essence of Spiritual Desire

610.1Comment: We say that the entire universe consists of matter. But you claim that matter is desire. Physicists, however, say that matter consists of atoms and molecules.

My Response: It comes from the way we perceive this matter. This is how it is manifested in relation to us.

Question: Then what does spiritual desire consist of?

Answer: The desire consists of ten Sefirot, which are divided into another ten, and another ten, and so on. By studying The Study of the Ten Sefirot, we learn the structure of our desire.

Question: Is it ours? Or is it a common desire of the entire universe?

Answer: It is common, of the entire universe, but not of the corporeal universe!

Question: Can we say that there is a law “the particular and the general are equal,” and therefore, by studying the structure of the ten Sefirot on myself, will I be able to understand what is happening in all the spiritual worlds?

Answer: Of course. By analogy.
From KabTV’s “The Study of the Ten Sefirot (TES)” 2/12/23

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