China Is Taking Over The World

405In the News (Daily Mail): Seventeen schools are already owned by Chinese companies, but that number is set to rocket. …

“Nine of the 17 schools under Chinese control are owned by firms whose founders or bosses are among China’s most senior Communist Party members; …

“Schools are using educational tools for teaching children a ‘whitewashed’ view of China;

“One firm admitted its acquisition of British schools is aimed supporting China’s controversial Belt And Road strategy, which aims to expand Beijing’s global influence. …

“Last night, Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said: ‘China’s strategic understanding and reach means that they have an advantage in seeking to influence others and using established brands, including some of our own, to achieve that position. …

“The revelations will add to concern about the growth of Confucius Institutes at 29 British universities, and Confucius Classrooms, an offshoot, at almost 150 schools… .

“They claim to promote the Chinese language and culture, but critics say they are a vehicle for Beijing to spread propaganda and curtail free speech.”

My Response: The thing is that we do not know what is really happening. The fact that they tell us a little bit that they bought some schools is all child’s play. The Chinese are pragmatists. Absolutely clear ones.

Question: What is China for humanity?

Answer: This government policy is based on conquering the world without destroying it.

Comment: Without wars.

My Response: Yes, this is the new strategy. Therefore, they will enter into this gradually, step by step.

Comment: They enter into contracts with Iran, contracts with Iran’s enemies, contracts with us, with Israel, in some incomprehensible way.

My Response: They do not care with whom and how. They need hegemony. The hegemony of China. Although, in general, there is no ideology. This is not socialism, not communism, not capitalism. They only want power. Pure power.

Question: Do you think that power is an ideology?

Answer: Yes, the usual egoism. They had it locked up for years and years, and now it has started to break through. Thus, they implement it.

Question: Do you think they will implement it? Is humanity powerless before them?

Answer: No. The fact is that at the same time it all seems to be leveled. If I go somewhere and use something and pay someone for something, then I do not care who the owner is. The main thing is that I receive the service and I can pay for it. This is why I do not see anything Chinese or European in this.

This is the paradox. That is, they bought a factory, and the factory continues to work, but it now belongs to China. But I do not feel this and I do not know this and it does not matter to me.

I do not pay attention to what belongs to whom at all. A completely different card is played here—one from above.

Question: Can you tell what card is being played?

Answer: Eventually, we must understand that it does not matter who owns what. Everything is toward the Creator. It is important for us to know that if we want to use something correctly, we can only do that through mutual dependence, mutual connection between us.

What difference does it make to me to whom this belongs according to the banks or something else! It does not matter. This world in which we paid attention that this is German, this is Soviet, I want to live with this, I do not want to live with this, is over.

Comment: But we wanted quality service.

My Response: There will be quality.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/8/21

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Communism In China
American Debt To China
A Chinese Dream

Cannot Conceive A Child

291Comment: “I can’t conceive and give birth, and I really want a child. But we have already seen all the doctors and healers, and it has not helped. How does one maintain balance and harmony? They tell me that I have to accept it, but I want a child.”

My Response: No, you should not accept it in any case. You can continue to conceive a child in any way, through doctors, of course. Because naturally, you have already seen that this does not work in any way. This means that you should try to do this through any scientific, medical possibilities. Do not calm down until you are at least 60 years old. Today there are such cases.

Comment: This woman is told that she has to accept it, this is fate.

My Response: No way! And what is next? Take someone else’s child for upbringing? Maybe. Sometimes, by the way, this in turn helps to conceive. But still try to do it yourself. Don’t calm down.

Comment: You said an interesting phrase that taking an adopted child sometimes helps you to conceive yourself.

My Response: This excites additional internal, female systems in a woman, and then she is more capable of fertilization.

Question: And what is happening? What was sleeping in her, what was aroused?

Answer: Motherhood, connection, and attitude to the child, all this begins to be excited in action, in life. Then she is able to get pregnant.

Question: Why do they give a woman such a test?

Answer: It is impossible to guess. To this day, we see how everything is shrouded in such a supreme mystery that nothing can be done. Here one does not conceive and cannot conceive. Everything.

We see from the Torah that all our forefathers had problems with conceiving children.
But do not calm down in any case.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/18/21

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The Result of Spiritual Problems
Everything Has A Spiritual Root
Diseases Are The Result Of The Ego

The Task Of The Group

544Question: What instruction can we give to the group in order to cultivate a sense of internal connection, understanding of each other, and contact between them? What might a group task sound like?

Answer: The members of the group should reveal:
What is pushing us forward?
The meaning of our life and the meaning of development.
What is the difference between individual and group development?
Why does our egoism not allow us to develop but bring suffering?
What can I gain by being connected?
What is the interrelation between each person being above others, below others, equal to others?
How can we check whether we can achieve such a homogeneous state where we will all be equally aimed toward each other in a circle and determine the center of the group?
What does the center mean? Where my “I” will be no more, but only “we” as one common “I.”
What would we feel in our new identity? Not each feeling himself or others but feeling “us.” How can we yearn for this?

Such gradual training introduces people to a new state.

At the same time, they begin to feel that there is a completely different level of perception here. A sixth sense appears: the feeling from within “us.” But this “us” is absolutely common, collective, and today we cannot even imagine it. This is not just a detachment from oneself, but inclusion of everyone into each other.
From KabTV’s “Videoconference”

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How To Not To Lose The Center Of The Group?
The Prayer Of The Group
New Life 1304 – Group Discussion

The Serpent—The Driving Force Of Nature

571.03Question: The whole world thinks that Adam sinned because he fell for the temptation of the serpent.

Answer: He did not sin. What could he possibly do—this piece of animal flesh that could not even become a human?

Comment: It is written that God warned: “But of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it, for on the day that you eat thereof, you shall surely die.” But the serpent came and began to persuade: And the serpent said to the woman, “You will surely not die.” And when Adam tasted the forbidden fruit, God said: ” And He said, “Who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”

My Response: “You shall surely die” is good. It means that your egoism will die in you, and you will reach another level.

The serpent is a necessary egoistic desire that finally begins to awaken in a person. And then he sees that he is opposite of the Creator, and he has where to advance to, what to correct in himself, and what to ascend to.

Today such a snake is necessary for many people in the world. I would say—for everyone! Everyone thinks that everything is fine: “We live just fine. We were born, we live, we die, everything is okay. Just let me calmly stretch out these years and that’s it.” But why does man need these years? What are they for?

The serpent shows you that you live in vain, that you are an animal, that you have the germ of evil in you. It does not allow us to live in peace. The serpent is a strong, powerful driving force of nature, i.e., a huge egoism that starts to awaken us and sets us against each other.
From KabTV’s “The Power of The Book of Zohar,” #16

Related Material:
A Heated Chess Game Against The Snake
Just Like In A Light Bulb Filament
When The Serpent Unfolds

Exist In Love

528.02Question: There is a well-known phenomenon in physics regarding the effects of a nuclear explosion. I do not exactly know the process, but when two protons with the same charge are connected, they repel each other. And if you apply a certain force, overcome some barrier, and connect them, then an explosion occurs and energy is released.

The same thing happens to people. Trying to unite with each other, at first there is rejection between them, but if they overcome this barrier, they begin to unite and energy is released. What is this energy?

Answer: This is spiritual energy. If people overcome selfishness, mutual rejection and try to get closer to each other, then this is a completely different state. They begin to regenerate between them, to equip the higher world, the higher relations, the property of bestowal.

These are not the attraction and repulsion that exist in our physical world, but the properties of attraction that we must create over our negative, egoistic properties. There is one property in every person—what is considered egoism, that is, the desire to please oneself—which can be satisfied either by rapprochement, or rejection from something, to something, and so on.

If we try to create the property of love in ourselves over the properties of egoism, then we begin to feel how it is possible to exist in the property of love. This existence is called the property of the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 7/2/21

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Turning Hatred Into Love
Turning The Hands Of The Clock From Hate To Love
Go For Love

Our World Is The Darkest Place

424.02Question: Does the mind change according to the material a person studies? Is the mind of a person who studies the wisdom of Kabbalah different from the mind of a person who studies astronomy for instance?

Answer: Yes. A person who studies the wisdom of Kabbalah studies about the actions of the Creator. He thinks differently.

There are five worlds, one inside the other. The upper light goes through all the worlds, all the way to the center. These worlds are called Adam Kadmon (early man), which means the prototype of man, Atzilut, Beriya, Yetzira, and Asiya. The smallest circle in the center is called our world, in which we live.

We live in the darkest place, while the upper light reaches us through all the worlds from the world of Ein Sof.

Question: There is so much light around us, but the section of our world remains in the dark.

Answer: A person has no need for this light, because we cannot stand the light of bestowal. It is death for us. We can only perceive the egoistic light and we live within it.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 4/21/19

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All The Worlds On One Skewer
The Illumination Of Malchut
Between Keter And Malchut

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/30/21

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Ibur (Impregnation) and Yenika (Nursing)”

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Study of the Ten Sefirot, Vol. 1, Part 2″

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 7/29/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 7/29/21

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

The #epidemic will expand all over the world until humanity realizes that it has to take care of everyone. This is how nature teaches us the right relationships. Next it will teach us through its #disasters until we learn to behave the right way—everyone all over the planet.

From Twitter, 7/29/21

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My Thoughts On Twitter 7/24/21
My Thoughts On Twitter 7/22/21
My Thoughts On Twitter 7/18/21

Wake Up—Fire!

293In everything that happens in the world, we should see the good and benevolent governance of the Creator who brings us only good. In this way, He corrects the souls and connects them together into one common soul.

However, we see everything in a different way, and the question is how much I want to discover the truth in order to justify the Creator and be grateful to Him for his kindness by adhering to Him. This is my correction.

If I see a corrupted world, it is because I judge from my flaws. We do not see anything outside of us but only what is happening inside each of us and all of us together. All floods, fires, and pandemics are symptoms of our own disease.

If we went to a doctor who could diagnose each of us and all of us together, he would be horrified at how serious our disease is. He would say: “You see fires? It is because you have a high fever. You see floods? These are also diseases within you. At one point you feel the forces of Gevura on the right side appearing as floods and another time on the left manifesting as a fire. In the middle, between them, there is another blow, the pandemic. You are yet to uncover many other blows on the right, on the left, and in the middle, because I have no other way to convince you of the need for correction except with such blows.”

It turns out that we are to blame for being in the difficult state we are in now because many years have passed and we still did not wake up for corrections in any way.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/25/21, “Entry Into the Spiritual Degree”

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A Stick Instead Of A Carrot
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