A Baby Boom Won’t Happen

laitman_559Remark: As soon as the pandemic began, psychologists and doctors assumed that it would bring a baby boom—the birth of children. In other words, people would be together more, which would lead to a higher birth rate.

Now, when the same parents who initially had thoughts of having children were questioned, it turned out that more than half of the people have scrapped the idea. People don’t want to produce offspring at all; they don’t want to give birth.

My Comment: They don’t see a continuation. In the form we are shown our live’s today, we are shown a dead end. So why continue anything at all?

Question: In the most tragic situations of the First and Second World Wars, and so on, people thought about procreation, and now suddenly they don’t. Isn’t this a paradox?

Answer: This is psychology. At that time, it was not psychology, but more simply a physical condition. But here it is a state of mind. We are going nowhere, for nothing. What for? All this is suppressed.

Question: Does a person need to cope with this?

Answer: Now the question is not about giving birth, but about uniting. If this number of people could come closer to each other internally even a small distance, the world would be different.

Now everything is moving to a spiritual relationship. If I am drawn to a person, that is it. If not, then no. Previously, it was physiology; there was some kind of impulse, pressure from within; nature demanded it.

And now nature does not require this. It wants to rebuild us so that if you have a desire to be closer to a person spiritually, then you will have a desire to be closer to him physically.

Then the birth of children will be the result of a spiritual rapprochement, not a physical one. And the child will be called the product of love.

Question: And then he will be loved and he will love his parents?

Answer: Of course.

Remark: So, maybe this is an indicator that we are approaching a really different era—the era of love?

My Comment: Yes. This will be wonderful.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 5/11/20

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