Experiment: 5 Days In Complete Isolation

laitman_962.3Comment: We know that people are immersed in the Internet now; they don’t seem to need anyone, just a gadget and internet access. Recently, an experiment was conducted: five days in a single, cozy cell without the internet.

My Response: That is a death-like experience.

Question: This was in the UK, where TV Channel Five launched the show called “In Solitary: The Anti-Social Experiment.” Each person had a single, comfortable cell with a soft bed, sanitary conditions, and wholesome food for five days.

But the main condition was complete solitude. People could only draw, read, and talk to themselves. And within a few hours, they began to panic.

Everyone coped with this panic in different ways: one pressed the rescue button, one started talking to the surveillance cameras, and another had an upset stomach. Only one person, a female blogger, who had set herself the goal of getting rid of her habit in this way, had brought pencils, markers, and a lot of paper, and she drew some meaningless pictures.

What was the conclusion of the experiment? Researchers write that a social
being, a human, suffers from loneliness, but a citizen of the modern world with constant internet access does not fully realize this until he is completely isolated.

Mankind and loneliness, are these categories compatible?

Answer: A person, who had always been closed in the world and now finds himself torn away from it, feels a huge vacuum. He worked at the pace of this world, day, night, news, and so on, all of these programs and calls, and suddenly he no longer has access to any of it. Of course, this is a huge void for him.

People used to live in such emptiness. I remember my childhood and youth until the 90s. In 1995, I created my first website kabbalah.info. Before that, how did we live? We had newspapers and television. Before television, which came to me in 1955, we had newspapers and books.

Question: What has changed in a person in just 50 years that he suddenly cannot be alone?

Answer: A person has a connection with the world and he cannot live without this connection. It is not the electronic web; it is the web of connections between us that has opened up. We can no longer exist without feeling each other. But, we fill this feeling with completely different thoughts, news, and with other unnecessary things. But, in general, we have discovered a web of connections between us.

I feel like I am connected to it and I cannot do without it. It is like air to me. I am connected and I feed from it; I get this information feed and it keeps me going. Without it, I do not feel like I am alive.

Question: If you take out the layers of information that a person receives, what is still important to him in this web of communication?

Answer: Look at what is going on in the evening on TV news and sports programs. Here, they dance, they shout at each other, and argue. All of this is now called “the world” or “our world.”

If it were all turned off, do you understand what would happen to the world? The world would plunge into the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages! People will have such a lack of information! They don’t need it and they can, in principle, survive without it, but they won’t be able to. They are already different.

You can view the news as it is presented and you will see that out of every 100 news items, maybe one or two will interest you enough to open them, and all the rest, you don’t need. But you cannot do without them.

Comment: Researchers write that all of this information showered on a person causes stress because it is so superfluous to him.

My Response: But he cannot be without stress.

Question: How would you fill the content of these programs?

Answer: I can choose the content, but it would require completely different people. We need to educate people. It is necessary for us to educate people regarding how to discover the source of life and the source of the world and how, not to be lost in these streams of news that are composed for them.

A person is in need of good connection. In need of good communication! And the web doesn’t make any connections. It’s just like a spider’s web.

Question: What is a web of good communication?

Answer: This is when each person thinks about how to do good to others.

Comment: And then, if he is isolated…?

My Response: This web will still act on him because others will think about him.

Question: And you don’t need any gadgets for that?

Answer: Nothing is needed! Only good intentions that will connect people with each other. People will be connected in such a way that everyone will feel one another’s good intentions and nothing else is needed. And, from this, everyone will be delighted and feel a sense of meaning of existence and in their capacity to rise above their “I” and so on. This is necessary.

I have no doubt that we will succeed.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman,” 3/3/20

Related Material:
Alone In A Crowd Of A Billion, Part 1
There Should Be No Lonely People
“The Swedish Loneliness”

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