Time Of Deep Correction

laitman_938.05Question: Where does the power of the reforming light come from during the workshops? Why didn’t the Kabbalists of the past use workshops?

Answer: Kabbalists of the past used a different method. They did have tens, but they did not work on the connection between them, on delving actively deeper into themselves. The groups of The Ari, Ramchal, and others consisted, as a rule, of five to six people, and they sat and studied quietly.

Our times are very different. This is evident not only at the level of Kabbalists, but in the entire world as well. We are forced to draw closer across continents, to organize conventions and gatherings that we could not even have thought of in the past.

Question: You say that times are different now. What does that matter in relation to an eternal methodology?

Answer: No. The method changes.

The Kli is gradually changing—this enormous sphere called “the soul of Adam,” which we must correct, and which we correct by constantly exploring its inner and more egoistic layers. We see it in our world as well: egoism manifests in it more aggressively, more and more openly and boldly.

Question: Accordingly, does the principle of attracting the reforming light change?

Answer: We attract a strong light that illuminates the deeper layers of egoism. We try to correct it, to connect above it, to somehow organize it, and accordingly, we increase the illumination of the light even more. It happens in a circle.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/1/20

Related Material:
Evolution Of The Method From Adam To Our Day
Kabbalah: From Abraham To Present Day
We Should Not Let Kabbalah Fall into Concealment Again

Is It Possible To Understand Kabbalah Through Knowledge?

laitman_963.8Question: If I am not interested in listening to what other participants in the lesson are saying because sometimes they bring outright nonsense, what is the benefit of such lessons for me? I came to listen to the higher one, the Kabbalist, and I am forced to listen to people like me and even worse than me.

Answer: If we are speaking from the point of view of the science Kabbalah, you need to listen to me at least, then open the books written by great Kabbalists and simply study them from beginning to end. If you have a good mechanical memory, then you will remember their content.

But you will not become a Kabbalist just from this because you will not have your place, what is called a Kli, a vessel, in which you can feel the upper world. The upper world becomes known precisely in the connection between simple, even novice Kabbalists, who are trying to be in touch with each other. It is not even so much that they try to be in touch as they try to be in connection. Trying and striving are of utmost importance.

So, it is not about knowledge. Kabbalah does not penetrate a person through knowledge. It touches a person through his feelings and aspirations.

Kabbalistic parameters are felt between people. When I strive toward you, and you strive toward me, and we try to create a certain field of mutual attraction between us, then we begin to reveal the Creator between us in the form of the light called NRNHY.

Therefore, if you are interested in understanding the upper world, then you need to gather with Kabbalists. And if you are only interested in how forces and their actions are called in Kabbalah, then you need to read books. There is nothing more to be said.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 3/1/20

Related Material:
How Can We Understand Kabbalah?
It Is Not The Wise Who Learn
Don’t Rely On The Mind

New Life 1211 – Coronavirus, A Global Emergency

New Life 1211 – Coronavirus, A Global Emergency
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

A small virus is disrupting the entire network of connections that we have built, because they are egoistic connections. The problem is not the coronavirus, but that in spite of all of our abilities, we have not created a good life for all human beings. The egoistic need in a person is insatiable. And integral nature doesn’t agree to this. Therefore, the virus has erupted. Nature is an integral law that connects all of its parts together and doesn’t let any of them dominate. Human relationships determine everything. If we balance them, all the levels of nature will be in balance and our lives will be perfect.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1211 – Coronavirus, A Global Emergency,” 3/10/20

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 4/19/20

Lesson Preparation

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Lesson on the Topic “Concerning Above Reason” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Love of God and the Love of Man” 

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Selected Highlights

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