The Absolute Zero

laitman_962.3How can a person decide to annul himself? From despair. Some kind of trouble comes, stress, an unsolvable problem when you do not know what to do. The Creator blocks exits for me from all sides, there is nowhere to escape, and life is worse than death. And then I see that the only way out is to annul myself in the face of this situation, to quench my desire to somehow resolve it, and do something. Let the Creator, who arranges all this, resolve everything by Himself. I just need to annul myself.

In such states, I learn how to annul myself. It is as if the whole world is collapsing on me, and there is no way to get out of this state or to somehow hide. Then the Creator sends me the thought: “I did everything to help you. Stop controlling reality! Your job is to annul yourself before the reality created by Me.” So, a person starts learning how to restrict himself.

These actions are still egoistic. I cannot help but think about myself, but I leave these thoughts because this is my only salvation. Meanwhile, it is only an escape from the blows, but this is how I learn how to get out of myself. The Creator has to teach me the way out through my helplessness. Then I understand that this is really the correct approach.

I decide that I do not control the world, but everything is arranged by the Creator, who is waiting for me to admit that He is the reason for everything because there is none else beside Him, who is good and does good. Therefore, all is for the better—not for my corporeal benefit, but for my spiritual advancement. Now, I want to thank the Creator for the grave condition that helped me, like labor in childbirth. Otherwise, we will be unable to exit our egoism.

As an alternative, we should start working in a group, imagining various difficult conditions in it that the desire to enjoy shows us when we want to achieve the desire for bestowal. In this way, we ourselves will awaken the dawn.1
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/28/19, “The Absolute Zero”
1 Minute 32:20

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