Follow The Spiritual Method

laitman_947Question: What is the difference between Kabbalists and a society of scorners?

Answer: Nowadays it’s all mixed up. I would not separate one from the other. All those who are against spiritual development, which is described starting with The Book of Zohar and beyond, are not on the same path with us.

We should take care of ourselves, constantly consulting our teachers’ writings, and not pay attention to what others do.

There is freedom of will. A person can do what he thinks is right and good if he does not harm others. Being closed in our small spiritual community, we do not harm anyone, we are open to all.

The main thing is to strictly follow the program, the advice of our teachers, and then we will reach the goal.

Question: Every time egoism increases in a person, he is more and more influenced by the outside society. How can this detrimental effect be prevented?

Answer: By immersing deeper into the study of the method and into the inner work on oneself. Nothing more.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 4/25/18

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