Why Does This Reality Exist?

laitman_423_01Question: Why does this reality exist?

Answer: Our reality exists precisely because in it, through investing effort, we can gradually attain the upper world and equivalence with the Creator. This is how we gain our independence.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

Related Material:
We Should Not Disregard Our State
This World Is Very Meaningful
This World Is Not An Illusion!

Who Created The Creator?

laitman_276_02Question: What made the Creator made and who created Him? Is there more than one Creator?

Answer: The Creator was made from a desire to bestow, to enjoy, to love, like a big, kind, warm mother.

Nobody created the Creator, He exists all the time, beyond time, movement, and space. And what was created by Him exists temporarily.

Each one of us can have his own Creator until we unite and realize that all of this is one single force. That is how the world exists.

We need to discover the Creator and come into direct contact with Him. And then you will see who it is and what it is.And the others will achieve direct contact with Him and discover who this is and what this is. And then in the connection between you, you will be able to clarify together whether it is the same Creator for all of you or not, and it will become clear to you that He is one.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16

Related Material:
Whence Was The Creator Created?
What Is God? (Continued)
Does The Creator Need To Know Himself?

Ynet: “Who Is Running ISIS?”

From my column in Ynet: “Who Is Running ISIS?”

Daesh [ISIS] stands at the head of the list of threatening phenomena at the conclusion of 2015. Who is really running the murderous terrorist organization, and what is the connection between the shaming on social networks of a former prime minister who was sentenced to prison and lecturers who were sent with ministers?

The rising world star of 2015 is undoubtedly Daesh—an organization that was crowned with the strongest and most sweeping brand name for this year, thanks to its widespread outbreak into the depth of international consciousness. Throughout the entire past year, hideous snuff films were posted on the social networks including: beheadings, rapes and murders of women, showcase attacks throughout the world, and stabbing and trampling attacks in the streets.

Daesh, the extremist terrorist organization, is indeed presenting the most brutal terrorist performance on the world stage, but if we take a deeper look, we will discover that we are also connected and we have a responsibility in this story (1).

Daesh is Here

The Book of Zohar indicates that we are all networked in a system of invisible connections. Imagine a network that closely links each one of us to every other person, a kind of network of thoughts and emotions that flow between us and dictate decisions and what we do in our lives.

Similar to a person, this network of connections is divided into two main parts: head and body. Each organ in this system has a defined role (2). The people of Israel serve as the “Rosh – head” (“Israel” = “Li-Rosh” – “I have a head”), and the world functions as the “body” (3).

When an ordinary person wakes up a bad thought, violence against another Jew, or even just an uncontrollable urge to “kill” or to “stab,” this thought within the “head of the system” necessarily transforms into a command in the “body of the system.”

It is not only extreme acts such as murder, stabbing, or severe violence toward others, even when I curse a driver who passes me wildly on the highway or I erupt at a clerk at the NII [government agency] or at the neighborhood children who are disturbing my rest, even then I am arousing evil.

The problem with thoughts is that they are immediately realized in the blink of an eye. Somewhere in another place, someone already goes to act out “my thought” in action against another person. As is written in The Book of Zohar (VaYehi): “Israel causes the rest of the peoples to lift their heads in the world.”

According to that perception, when a terrorist stabs a Jew in the streets of Israel—the root for this abominable deed is the direct result of those countless negative thoughts that pass through our minds and are also expressed in our negative attitudes toward each other (4).

The Hidden Connection Between the Relationships Between Us and the State of the World

These days we are dealing with increasing waves of global hatred toward the nation of Israel (5). Recognizing the fact that specifically here, in the system of relationships that we build between us in the nation of Israel, the fate of humanity is decided, and when hatred breaks out between us, it “awakens” hatred throughout the world through that hidden system of connections.
Were the enemy not so cruel, we would continue to fight and quarrel with each other.

Suddenly a terrorist murders hundreds of people in Paris. The enlightened world blames us as being responsible for the deed—an example is Sweden, which marches at the head of the haters camp, it is not ashamed to point an accusing finger at the nation of Israel as being responsible for world terror. A Daesh leader contending with many war fronts turns specifically to threaten the Jews and anti-Israeli organizations call from every stage possible to boycott us.

We must understand that things are decided for the good or for the bad on a more internal stratum. Bad thoughts and negative attitudes between us invite a hostile attitude and anti-Semitic actions toward us because “No calamity comes into the world except on account of Israel” (Yebamot 63a) (6).

Connection Is Our DNA

By virtue of our role as the “head of the system,” we must inject the power of connection, the power of vitality, into the rest of the peoples (7). This connection is our essence as the chosen people even from the days of our father Abraham who gathered us into a single nation from a jumble of foreign tribes in ancient Babylon (8).

In a sense, we must admit that Daesh are our “friends”—not because of the destruction and cruelty they bring into the world, but for the necessary uncovering that has been imposed upon us to change the basis of the relationships between us, and first and foremost, the thoughts that we scatter around the world (9). A change like this will lead us from brotherly hatred to love of Israel.

As strange as it all sounds, it is up to us to “thank” Daesh, because were it not for such a cruel enemy, we would continue to fight and quarrel with each other. Daesh grants us an opportunity to actualize our function as a people—to connect between us as one person with one heart and to restore the force of positive connection to the world. The beauty is that when we connect between us, the threat of Daesh will dissipate. This terrorist organization is “activated” by us like a puppet on strings; so when we unite—Daesh is afraid! (10).

The Real Enemy Is Us

The most important task before us is to unite against our real enemy – the separation, polarization, and division between us. We are guilty of making it possible for terrorism and all the evil in the world to run wild. The way to contend with the growing hatred is to apply the wisdom of connection—the wisdom of Kabbalah, by means of which we can elevate the value of unity above the growing egoism and self-concern (11).

The separation between us makes it possible for the ideology of Daesh to occupy the center of the world stage. It is an ideology that is based on the false unity of hatred. In contrast to it stands the ideology of unity of love for others, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18); only through its power can we neutralize every enemy from the evil power that nourishes
it and win the affection of the world (12).

So what will happen in 2016? It depends on our thoughts!


1.“The Holy One Blessed be He made Israel the heart of the whole world. And that is how Israel among all the nations of the world, as a heart among the organs. And just as the organs of the body cannot exist in the world for even a moment without the heart, so all the nations cannot exist in the world without Israel” (Zohar for the People, Parshat Pinhas, 152)

“There is an intermediary phase between the totality of the world and the Creator, and it is the Israeli soul, which is very exalted in its root, and it is really a part of the divine, and it is the intermediary that connects between the totality of the world and the Creator. And through it the abundance and vitality and the existence of all the worlds is drawn; and so everything depends on Israel” (“Likkutei Halachot”, Birchat HaReiach and Birchat Hodah”, Halacha 4).

“The peace of the worlds dwells within this nation” (Bereshit Rabba, Parshah 66).

“Israel brings its light to the world, as it is said (Isaiah 60:3), ‘And nations shall walk at thy light’” (Midrash Rabba, Shir HaShirim, Parshat 4, Paska 2).

2.“You have no organ found in a person that doesn’t have a person correspondent to it in the world. For just as the human body is divided into organs and all of them stand on different levels, each one correcting the other, and all of them are one body, it is the same with the world, all of these people in the world are all various organs, and stand on different levels. And when all are corrected, they will really be a single body” (Zohar for the People, Parshat Toldot, 3).

3.“The word “Ysar-El” (Israel) are the letters of “Li Rosh” (the head (mind) is mine). This means that he believes he has a mind of Kedusha (Sanctity)” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag, Baal HaSulam, the article, “Shamati” 143).

“Israel are the first and foremost receivers of all the abundance, and from them it is distributed to the whole world. And so Israel is called ‘Li Rosh’, meaning that they are the head phase, receiving the blessing first, and after that coming to the world” (“Be’er Mayim Chayim”, Parshat Trumah, Chapter 25).

“…a branch that extends from the internality is the people of Israel, which has been chosen as an operator of the general purpose and correction. It contains the preparation required for growing and developing until it moves the nations of the worlds, too, to achieve the common goal. The branch that extends from the externality is the nations of the world. They have not been imparted the qualities that make them worthy of receiving the development of the purpose one at a time. Rather, they are fit to receive the correction at once and to the fullest, according to their Higher Root” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “A Handmaid that is Heir to Her Mistress”).

4.“…this is why the world was created filled with so many people, each with his own thoughts and opinions, and all are present in a single world. It is so deliberately, so that each and every one….is incorporated in all the alien notions and thoughts of the entire world.” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, Shamati 33).

“Rabbi Elazar ben Rabbi Shimon said, ‘Because the world is judged according to the majority, an individual is judged by the majority of his deeds. So if he performs one good deed, happy is he for tipping the scale for himself and the world to the side of merit; if he commits one transgression, woe to him for he has tipped the scale and for himself and the whole world to the side of guilt’” (Kiddushin 40b).

“The essence of the creation, choice, correction and destruction of the world, all of these depend upon Israel” (“Siach Yitzhak,” Part 2, Likkutim 1).

5.“How many troubles upon troubles there will be for Israel, and all the nations and their kings will testify against them together, and many evil decrees will be aroused. And all of them will come against them with one testimony, bringing troubles upon troubles, and the last will make the first forgotten” (Zohar for the People, Parshat Shemot, 96-98).

“It is a fact that Israel is hated by all the nations, whether for religious, racial, capitalist, communist, or for cosmopolitan reasons, etc. It is so because the hatred precedes all reasons, but each merely resolves its loathing according to its own psychology” (Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation, Part One, Section Nine).

6.“Were Israel to store up good deeds before the Holy One, Blessed be He, no people in the world would stand against them. But Israel causes the rest of the nations to raise their heads in the world. Because if Israel were not sinners before the Holy One, Blessed be He, the rest of the nations would surrender to them” (Zohar for the People, Parshat VaYehi, 412-413).
“When Israel sins, God forbid, then the Other Side truly has power to overcome the power of Israel” (Likkutei Halachot, Hilchot Tisha B’Av and Fasts, Halacha 4).

7.“Kedusha (the Sacred) extends from Israel to the whole world” (Zohar for the People, Parshat Emor, 92).
“…the Israeli nation was to be a ‘transition.’ This means that to the extent that Israel cleanse themselves by keeping the Torah, so they pass their power on to the rest of the nations” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag – Baal HaSulam, “The Love for the Creator & Love for the Created Beings”).

8.“At the age of 40 Abraham became aware of his Creator…and he began to stand up and proclaimed with a loud voice to all of the people, and informed them that there is one God for the whole world that should be served. And he went and called and gathered people from city to city and from kingdom to kingdom…until thousands and myriads gathered to him, and they were the people of the House of Abraham. And he planted in their hearts this great principle, and he wrote books…and this increased among the children of Jacob and those who accompanied them, and a nation was made in the world which knew the Creator” (Maimonides, “Mishnah Torah”, Sefer HaMeda, Hilchot Avodah Zarah, Chapter 1).

“The secret of the unity of the world dwells in Israel” (Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, “Ohrot HaKodesh 2” 415).

9.If it is impossible to blow a Shofar suitable for redemption, the enemies of Israel will come and trumpet for the redemption in our ears. They will trumpet and make noise in our ears and will not let us rest. Amalek, Hitler,may their names be erased, and so forth, awaken the redemption. This national scourge of the ‘Jewish problem’ there is a kind of redemption even in that, however one should not bless this Shofar” (Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, “Ma’amrei HaRaiah”, Volume 11).

“This Zionism therefore sees the Jews – as separate people united against their will by a ‘common enemy’. But it will not see the Judaism – the single block which aspires to exist in its unity even without any external compulsion. This is the main deficiency, which is discovered in all of its ways and deeds” (Ahad Ha’am, “The Congress and its Creator”)
“We are a people. The enemy involuntarily consolidates us into a people, as it always has been in history” (Binyamin Ze’ev Herzl, “The Jewish Nation”).

“All of the global noise…primarily only comes for Israel. They are calling us now for a great and sacred role, fulfilling it willingly and consciously, building ourselves and the whole ruined world together with us” (Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, “Igorot HaRaiah” 2, page 324).

10.“Every king or leader, although we see him rule for a long time, and it is in his hand to kill and to give life, enrich and impoverish, is nevertheless not a true king, because he does not himself have dominion or will because (Mareh Yehezkel Bamidbar Parshat Naso) ‘The heart of kings and princes is in the hands of the Creator’” (“Yismach Moshe”, Parshat Nitzavim).
“When there is love, unity and friendship between each other in Israel, there is no place for any calamity to fall upon them” (Meor VeShemesh, Parshat Nitzavim).

11.”The wisdom of truth teaches us about world unity, the side of equality that is to be found in all of existence to the highest, the image of the form that is created and how to go in the way of this light without an obstacle” (Rabbi Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, “Ohrot HaKodesh 2”, 393).

12.“Reduction of the bad qualities in Israel, which provides the vitality of the idolaters, gradually reduces the idolaters. And everything depends on Israel” (“Arvei Nahal”, Parshat Lech Lecha).
“When Israel are like one person with one heart, they are like a wall against the forces of evil” (Shem MiShmuel, Parshat VaYikahel).

“The children of Israel were made as a guarantee for correcting the whole world with the power of Torah because everything depends on the children of Israel. Just as they correct themselves, all of creation is drawn after them” (“Sphat Emet”, Sefer Shemot, Parshat Yitro).

“Building the world, which is presently collapsing at the feet of the terrible storms of swords filled with blood, requires building the Israeli nation. Building the nation and the discovery of its spirit is one thing, and it is entirely united with building the world, which is crumbling and waiting for the full power of unity and elevation. And all of this is found in the soul of the congregation of Israel” (Rav Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook, “Ohrot”, 70, 16).

“And all the nations will acknowledge and recognize Israel’s merit over them, until the realization of the words, ‘And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the Lord’ (Isaiah 14:2), and also “Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up my hand to the nations, and set up my standard to the peoples: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried on their shoulders” (Isaiah 49:22).” (Rav Yehudah Ashlag, Baal HaSulam, Introduction to the Book of Zohar, 69).
From Ynet article 12/30/15

New Life 470 – Hanukkah Then And Now

New Life 470 – Hanukkah Then And Now
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

What special meaning awakens from this holiday specifically nowadays, and why in each generation do they rise up to destroy us, and what miracle do we expect to happen for?

Hanukkah talks about ideological clashes between two approaches to life: materialistic versus spiritual. The Jewish elite adopted the materialistic approach from the Greeks. They abandoned the altruistic approach of love of others.

Abraham taught connecting with love, being one, and discovering the one supreme force. When we unite and become one, we are similar to the one supreme force, and then it shines on us. But a connection like this requires a struggle against the egoistic tendencies that naturally awake in us.

When we stopped working on connection, we lost the connection with the upper force, the Light of life left the world. As a result, troubles from the outside world come upon us. They forced us to once again connect. It happens in waves. Today we are in a similar state. We live in Israel, but there is no connection and love between us during normal times.

During two thousand years we were living among the other nations of the world and caused their development There is an upper energy in nature called Light, which can connect between differences. Our task is to bring this Light to everyone. We want to be as Europe is, each one for himself and to just be left alone. And this is anti-Israel. Mutual guarantee is the foundation of the nation of Israel and without it we have no right to exist.

The darkness of day is the lack of our ability to grasp that if we don’t unite, we are not a nation. Strong egoistic urges awaken in us, hatred and separation, so that we can help each other to rise. Each person is like a keg of gasoline, which can explode at any moment. It is specifically from within the great darkness that the Light arrives.

Hanukkah symbolizes that the world is waiting for us for the Light, for the force of life that will connect everything in harmony.
From “New Life 470 –  Hanukkah Then And Now ,” 12/11/14

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12.26.16

Preparation for the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic: “Spiritual Movement”

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Writings of Rabash, “Rungs of the Ladder,” “The Miracle of Chanukah”

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 12.25.16

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Haaretz: “The Real Reason Why Aleppo Matters”

In my regular column in Haaretz newspaper published my new article: “The Real Reason Why Aleppo Matters”

Money will not save Aleppo’s children, but true love will. Yet, they will have none until we nurture it among us.

In the last few months, the horrid humanitarian crisis in Aleppo has surpassed the worst atrocities we have seen coming out of Syria since the inception of the civil war there in 2011. It is true that “Aleppo’s fall is Obama’s failure,” as Leon Wieseltier wrote in The Washington Post. It is also true, as even chairwoman of Meretz, Zehava Gal-On, admitted on her Facebook page, that “We should give credit to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his insistence not to become involved in this war.” However, there is an inseparable connection between Israel and the tragedy in Aleppo.

In the last few months, the horrid humanitarian crisis in Aleppo has surpassed the worst atrocities we have seen coming out of Syria since the inception of the civil war there in 2011

Today in Israel, thousands of people are rushing to aid the stranded civilians of Aleppo. In just two days, Israelis have donated more than $100,000 to help the Syrian children whose lives have been devastated as they were used as pawns in the tug-of-war between Assad and the rebels, Russia and the US. Unable to flee, they have been sitting ducks waiting to become another harrowing image on the pages of newspapers and social media.

Yoav Yeivin, one of the lead organizers of the donation campaign, told The Times of Israel, “As an Israeli child I grew up asking where the world was when we needed them most [during the Holocaust]. As a Jew, I always knew that I was expected to be there, to help and lend a hand. There is no nation that knows better than us how lethal apathy can be.” I sympathize with Yeivin’s compassion and I understand how the memory of the Holocaust makes us more sensitive to other people’s suffering.

Yet, no amount of money can change what is happening in Syria. Even worse, no amount of compassion can alleviate the suffering or prevent it from worsening until its cause—the evil in human nature—has been uprooted. This task—transforming human nature from wickedness to kindness—is the sole task of the Jewish people. If anything positive should have emerged from the terror of the death camps, it is the commitment of our nation to transform human nature. As long as we stall, we are inadvertently inflicting suffering upon the world. This is why it hates us.

The preeminent 20th Century luminary of Kabbalah, Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, known as Baal HaSulam (Author of The Ladder), for his Sulam (Ladder) commentary on The Book of Zohar, understood this responsibility well and tried to awaken Jews to their task. In The Writings of the Last Generation & The Nation, he stated, “I have already conveyed the rudiments of my perception in 1933. I have also spoken to the leaders of the generation. Alas, it made no impression. Now, however, after the atom and hydrogen bombs, I think the world will believe me.” David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, expressed his appreciation of Baal HaSulam’s commitment to the goal of transforming society and human nature in a letter to his son, who was also my teacher, Rav Baruch Shalom Ashlag, who continued his father’s work. Ben Gurion wrote, “I wanted to talk to him about Kabbalah, and he with me—about socialism” (Diaries, August 11, 1958). Another time, Ben Gurion wrote (January 6, 1960), “I view with tremendous importance the completion of the works of Rav Ashlag (Baal HaSulam).”

Baal HaSulam did not settle for meetings with only the Prime Minister. He met with many leaders and social activists in the Jewish state. Among them were Zalman Shazar, Moshe Sharet, Chaim Arlozorov, Moshe Aram, Meir Yaari, Yaakov Hazan, Dov Sadan, and the acclaimed poet, Chaim Nachman Bialik. His intention was to convince these opinion leaders to build the state of Israel as a society that endorses unity and promotes the transformation of human nature. Had he succeeded, the Jewish people would have become the light unto nations we are intended to be and the massacre in Aleppo, as well as all the other atrocities that our world has seen since the end of World War II, would not have happened.

If we had shown the light of unity to the world, people would have known how to transcend their egos and unite. In the absence of this ability, they have invented neoliberalism.

Why Specifically Us?

There are two reasons why Israel and the Jewish people are the involuntary messengers of the necessity to modify human nature. The first, and most obvious one, is what Yoav Yeivin and Baal HaSulam mentioned earlier—the Holocaust. In The Writings of the Last Generation & The Nation, Baal HaSulam writes, “Because we suffered from tyranny more than all other nations, we are better prepared to seek counsel that will eradicate tyranny from the land.”

However, there is a deeper reason, on which I have elaborated several times before. Wherever you look in nature, there is perfect harmony. All of reality runs on the balanced interaction between two forces—positive and negative. These forces create distinct atoms whose particles are nevertheless connected, distinct molecules whose atoms are nevertheless connected, distinct cells whose molecules are nevertheless connected, and distinct organisms, such as human beings, whose cells are nevertheless connected. The harmonious balance between connection and distinction enables life to evolve toward greater unity and at the same time greater distinction, and enables people to become more unique the more they are connected.

In his article, “The Peace,” Baal HaSulam defines the evolutionary process just described as the “Law of Development,” which describes the interaction between the two forces just mentioned. Notably, this law also determines that humanity, too, will consist of distinct individuals who are nevertheless connected.

But we are not there yet. Instead, we are trying as hard as we can to justify the words of the Torah: “The inclination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen 8:21), and “Every inclination of the thoughts of [man’s] heart was only evil” (Gen 6:5). In other words, our bodies exist through the same balance between the positive and negative forces, but our psyches seem to operate almost solely on the negative force. The revelation of the atrocities in Syria should warn us that we have stretched the system to the brink of collapse. If we do not add the positive force of our own volition, the Law of Development will soon do it for us.
In fact, the system is already stretched so thin that it is beginning to snap. The results of the US election, Brexit, and the referendum in Italy, all point to the fact that people can no longer tolerate the façade of political correctness and liberalism.

They need real connection.

This is where we Jews come in. We may not like it, but the world thinks that their problems are our fault. This is why since its inception in 2006, the United Nations Human Rights Council resolved more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. Even retiring United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon admitted in his departing speech that there is a “disproportionate volume of resolutions, reports and conferences criticizing Israel.”

We Are in a Unique Position to Succeed, or Fail

On the one hand, it is very uncomfortable to be blamed for everything that is wrong with the world. On the other hand, this puts us in a unique position to help the world heal from the hatred that is ruining it. Since we are already under constant scrutiny, if we prevail over our division and hatred we have for one another, the world will notice instantaneously. Moreover, if we were not divided, we would not have anything to overcome, and therefore would not be able to serve as an example of how to prevail over divisions.

Since ancient times, our forefathers have known that the Law of Development leads toward ultimate connection. For this purpose, they developed methods to overcome hatred and create a unified body. Abraham did so through the quality of mercy, which he and his wife, Sarah, taught, as the Midrash tells us (Beresheet Rabah). Moses knew this, too, and took us out of Egypt where we united “as one man with one heart” and thereby became a nation. King Solomon wrote about it when he said, “Hate stirs strife, and love covers all crimes” (Proverbs 10:12), and Rabbi Akiva said that if you love your neighbor as yourself, this is the whole of the Torah.

Over the centuries of exile, our sages and leaders have written about the power of our nation to heal the world through unity. In Revolution of the Spirit, David Ben Gurion wrote, VeAhavta lere’acha kamocha (Love your neighbor as yourself) is the utmost commandment of Judaism. With these three words, the humane, eternal law of Judaism has been formed, and all of the literature on ethics and morals in the world could not say more. The State of Israel will merit its name only if its social, economic, domestic, and foreign policies are based on these three eternal words.”

In his essay, “A Speech for the completion of The Zohar,” Baal HaSulam writes that we have been given the land of Israel, “but we have not received the land into our own authority.” The only way the world will recognize the value of the State of Israel and of the Jewish people is if we embrace unity above all differences.

If we choose to do so, the world will see that there is a way to triumph over hatred. This will truly be our contribution to the suffering people in Aleppo, Yemen, Sudan, and the depressed and the oppressed the world over. As The Book of Zohar tells us (Aharei Mot): “And you, the friends who are here, as you were in fondness and love before, henceforth you will also not part, and by your merit there will be peace in the world.”

And speaking of peace, this morning I was delighted to see that Donald Trump easily surpassed the necessary 270 votes in the Electoral College and has been officially declared as the next President of the United States. I wish him the best of success in carrying out all of his plans. Speaking from the perspective of the wisdom of Kabbalah, with its thousands of years of antiquity, and error-free record of predictions throughout Jewish history, I highly recommend that the President-elect help the people of Israel unite. By doing so, he will induce a monumental positive transformation throughout the world. Helping Israel unite is the greatest gift that the United States can give to the people of Israel.
From Haaretz : “The Real Reason Why Aleppo Matters” 12/20/16

Can You Feel The Upper World From Birth?

Laitman_511_01Question: Did the great Kabbalists or special souls like the Ari and Baal HaSulam each time with every new birth pass through the Machsom (barrier), or did they feel the Upper World and our world from birth?

Answer: Nobody feels the upper world from birth. There is no possibility without effort, without a group, to begin to feel the upper world, the Creator, because we must create a Kli in order to perceive it. Nobody is born a Kabbalist.

We were intentionally created this way so that we could become independent in relative to the Creator. If you get something without conscious effort, it is impossible to achieve anything. It is impossible to begin to understand the inner meaning of the world if we don’t specifically grasp it through contrasts.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/18/16

Related Material:
Practical Kabbalah: How Does One Feel The Upper World? – In The Unity Circle
How Is The Upper World Revealed?
A Spiritual World? It’s Simple!

The Man Of The Future

laitman_214Question: By what criteria will society assess a person in the future? According to one’s wealth, looks, or status?

Answer: I don’t think people will relate to physical appearance in the future, not even men. This will gradually disappear from our perception and it will include only the internal attributes of a person and one’s correct internal balance.

A person’s behavior and character will be the outcome of his internal state because not only will he begin to relate to everything correctly, but he will also aspire to bring the whole world to the middle line.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 7/3/16

Related Material:
In The Future Society Will Personal Goals Remain?
Incentives Of The New Society
In A Single Field Of Desires

Marx’s Predictions Come True, Part 4

Laitman_049_02Judging by the state of the world, we can conclude by all indications that the old era has ended. As Baal HaSulam predicted, from 1995 onward, the wisdom of Kabbalah started becoming revealed in the world. Humanity thus began understanding the process it is involved in.

The evil force of egoism had been continuously and increasingly developing in humanity, through all social formations: slavery, feudalism, capitalism and socialism. Egoism was a developmental engine. It progressed us. Today, however, it has completed its work because it has reached its maximal realization. The successful ones arose, like cream, and the rest remained at the bottom, like skim milk.

Capitalism stopped working not only for those who remained at the bottom, but even for the elite. The US government debt reached epic proportions and society became divided. It is impossible to continue this way. An incredible amount of people are in distress. The problem, however, is that the egoism of the wealthy elite won’t let them properly share their wealth with the needy.

Corporations still manage to pump out profits, but only through deception. There is nothing behind this apparent wealth; it is not covered by a gold equivalent. It is all a financial bubble that will burst the same way it did in 2008. Its explosion will be even more destructive than war.

The only solution is to make a shift to the new era’s industry. There is total abundance in the world. Our planet can feed us all. Modern technology makes it cost next to nothing. The only problem is how to attract the positive force that is missing in the world.

Egoism completed its work by bringing us to the peak of its capacity. Some thousandth part is at the top, and the rest are at the bottom. The elite can continue in this manner for a few more years with the help of various tricks, but it will be very dangerous because more and more unemployed will accumulate at the bottom without any hope of climbing the social ladder.

If egoism has exhausted itself, then we have nothing left but to continue in a different way. If we start to strengthen our connection, we will generate a positive force within it that will balance out the negative force. We won’t destroy egoism, but it will start working at a higher level.

The egoistic desire doesn’t have room to develop further and this is the reason for the crisis. We have fully exhausted its earthly use in this world. So how can we work with it further? Only by attracting the positive force can we allow egoism to grow further. The competition will continue, but it will be based on a different method.

The more we connect with each other, the more our desire to enjoy grows. It becomes integral. That is, it acts on a completely different level of connection, becoming many times bigger. This is the method of further development based on the desire to enjoy that grows indefinitely in its spiritual form. Compared to what it is capable of, our current egoism is like a tiny bug.

Today, our use of our egoism is very limited, primitive and stupid: to steal a little over here and to snatch a little from over there. Also, the ego explodes and pushes us to further develop. However, we need to supply it with fuel and energy, which is the positive force of bestowal.

It will then spread to the whole world, and the whole world will be yours since you will feel it as yourself. Therefore, the wisdom of Kabbalah is called “the wisdom of reception”: the art of using creation in its entirety, everything created by the desire to enjoy.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About the Current Situation In The World” 12/2/16

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