Who Created The Creator?

laitman_276_02Question: What made the Creator made and who created Him? Is there more than one Creator?

Answer: The Creator was made from a desire to bestow, to enjoy, to love, like a big, kind, warm mother.

Nobody created the Creator, He exists all the time, beyond time, movement, and space. And what was created by Him exists temporarily.

Each one of us can have his own Creator until we unite and realize that all of this is one single force. That is how the world exists.

We need to discover the Creator and come into direct contact with Him. And then you will see who it is and what it is.And the others will achieve direct contact with Him and discover who this is and what this is. And then in the connection between you, you will be able to clarify together whether it is the same Creator for all of you or not, and it will become clear to you that He is one.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 11/30/16

Related Material:
Whence Was The Creator Created?
What Is God? (Continued)
Does The Creator Need To Know Himself?

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