This Is Undoubtedly the Right Place!

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt says: “for they shall all know Me, from their smallest to their greatest,” (Jeremiah 31:33). This means that everyone must reach the end of correction.

It is very hard to fulfill this, but there is no other way. Everyday each of our friends who are on the spiritual path perform certain spiritual actions of correction, partly by their own freewill and partly unwillingly. Yet people still go through the process of correction, partly consciously but mostly unconsciously.

I have no doubts that I am leading my students correctly and that they will never say that they don’t understand where I have brought them to. They can check my recommendations by reading the sources based on the writings of other teachers, etc.

Question: Did you have any doubts when you were a student?

Answer: No, I reached the wisdom of Kabbalah having no doubts that it was the right choice. I immediately felt that the place I arrived had everything. Until then I had been through a long road of searching and had seen a lot of stupidity and folly.

It is impossible to find anything in science anymore. Internally, I understood that philosophy is empty. It is all nonsense and it is totally limited to our world. Then I thought that I might find something in religion, but would I?

After being in several religious institutions, I saw that some engaged only in observing the physical Mitzvot (commandments) without changing their inner attributes, so what’s the point? Others read Kabbalah, but they didn’t understand what they were reading at all, thinking it was enough to simply engage in reading. This means that they were like the other religious people who observe all the Mitzvot but read too and that there is nothing more to it than that, so what’s next?

So when I heard a logical explanation, I realized that I had a found a place that was undoubtedly right—the most serious thinking, accurate direction, with total connection to all the sources!

Before I found my teacher I read many books: the writings of Ari, the Talmud, and the Bible. I knew all the Mitzvot and observed them in part. So when I came to Rabash I was already living a religious life for about five years because in order to visit religious institutions I had to look accordingly at least externally. Besides, I believed that I had to be tied to our roots since my grandfather was also a very religious man.

But when I came to Rabash I realized that these people’s dealings are based only on the sources. Before, I also tried to read Baal HaSulam, The Study of the Ten Sefirot, The Book of Zohar, which describe special corrections, but what could I understand then? After all, I had never seen such knowledge, such extensiveness, such penetration of the still, vegetative, animate, and human connection.

So people who don’t understand what we study and what we speak about think that it is mysticism. Even today people have no idea what a great system we are dealing with.

We, however, play, juggling: this world, the next world, how they connect, how they integrate, and how a person feels himself in them. It is as if all this volume is before us. Of course, it is still theoretical and abstract for us now and cannot be described; it isn’t mystic but  theoretical and abstract. We work with this volume of forces, of interactions, attributes, and connections, while a person on the outside has to spend years in order to enter this system.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/29/13

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