Awakening In The World of Perfection

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Book of Zohar, Chapter “Bereshit – 2”, Item 101: “When everyone is included as one into a third chamber, and the desire and the prayer rises to take its place in the fourth chamber, then all become as one—one desire and one connection, and this is the place of the bowing to bring contentment to one’s Maker.”

We have to make efforts to see the entire creation as it still exists in its first and third states. The second state, which we currently observe, is only a play of our imagination, as it is said “We were as dreamers.”

We have to rise above the dream and wake up. Depending on how strong our aspiration to stay alert and sense the genuine reality is, to that degree we elicit the Light, accelerating time (Achishena) so that it influences us.

Probably, it is better not to delve into internal scrutiny, wanting to discover how much we are in hatred instead of love. Perhaps, it is still difficult for us. It is better to aspire to the authentic state because essentially, we are in the world of infinity, the world of unity, perfection, and integration. But now, we are experiencing a certain confusion, which is purposely given to us, because only by applying our efforts to attain perfection and interconnection do we reveal the original state and wake up from unconsciousness. Similarly, a person who wants to wake up from sleep, become round, needs to apply certain efforts. Although, we are awakened from outside, we still have to try to wake up internally.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/28/12, The Zohar

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