Europe Needs Further Integration

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Jens Weidmann, head of Deutsche Bundesbank): “A broad deepening of fiscal integration leading toward a ‘fiscal union’ in the euro zone requires deeper public support than currently exists both inside and outside Germany, European Central Bank Governing Council member Jens Weidmann said Monday [June 17].

“Speaking at a reception sponsored by the local chamber of commerce, Mr. Weidmann urged a ‘realistic’ approach such as deepening of the fiscal policies in the single currency zone. He said that support among the broader public for such a move in the face of the euro zone crisis at present is seen ‘neither in Germany nor in partner countries.’ Mr. Weidmann is also head of the Deutsche Bundesbank.”

“Elsewhere in Europe, Bundesbank chief and ECB official Jens Weidmann claimed that there was nothing more the central bank could do to help solve the region’s crisis while speaking in Paris. He said the ECB Governing Council has agreed that monetary policy cannot solve the crisis and that the bank has already gone to great lengths to try to mitigate the damage. Now, Weidmann said, it is up to individual governments to make the necessary structural reforms.” Source: International Business Times

My Comment: Gradually life will force us to accept the need for full integration as a mandatory condition to overcome the crisis. Nature will compel humanity to unite. We are weak and dependent on it. So, it is better to become wiser in advance and recognize that salvation and prosperity are in unification.

We must proceed with the full change of the structure of civilization: the satisfaction of all basic needs and not more and all our other opportunities to be directed only to the creation of a single organism of unified civilization.

Related Material:
Is Europe Ready For Integration?
EU Members Will Lose Sovereignty
The Future Of Europe Is Integration

Integrality Straightens Out Differences Of Opinion

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Young people who are studying both in schools and universities are still children but at the same time they already have an absolutely mature attitude. There is such a large gap between these two states that it is as if it “splits” them. Therefore, it is very difficult for adults to communicate with them.

Answer: At school they naturally behave like regular children. Accordingly, the relationship and the demands on them remain on the same level.

During the integral process, they transform very rapidly into adults but not as usual adults, instead they are like those who are connected. They form another social structure. We call on them to participate because this structure is the best and most fertile for both internal spiritual development, intellectual development, and generally for success in life.

Therefore, the integrality they acquire smoothes out any differences in their opinions when on the one hand, they enter into a mature society and study at a university and on the other hand, at the age of 14 they are still children. The integral relationship between them connects these two polarities, softens them so they become simpler, easier, and smoother; they feel mutuality. It follows that those with integrality take upon themselves the burden of adulthood they still may not want to take on. Through a correct approach like this we can straighten out all the problems.
From a Talk on Integral Upbringing 4/4/13

Related Material:
How To Remain Young?
Back To A Childhood Free From Worries
The Habit Of Giving Goodness

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 06.24.13

Preparation to the Lesson

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Shamati #175And if the Way Be Too Long for Thee

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The Book of Zohar — Introduction, “The Donkey Driver,” Item 89, Lesson 34

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Talmud Eser Sefirot, Vol. 3, Part 10, “Histaklut Pnimit,” Item 22, Lesson 59

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Writings of Baal HaSulam Peace in the World,” Lesson 5 

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