Climbing The Mountain Of Our Egoism (Advanced)

rockA question I received: I feel a greater evil being revealed within me in accordance with the work I put in. I know that I should give to the greater group according to the principle, “love your neighbor as yourself,” but I am stunned by how much unjustifiable evil there is… What should I do?

I was not able to bestow and fulfill my functions in the group. I have even distanced myself from the group. I am sensing that I am now following the principle, “each person judges according to his own lack.” In addition, I no longer have any desire for bestowal because I feel insecure. I cannot heal my mind or heart of this problem. How should I continue?

My Answer: You must completely stop criticizing them or considering them as your problems. In actuality it is just you perceiving them that way. Each one of us has an uncorrected desire, and by rising above this desire, we attain the World of Infinity.

The desire, in all five worlds, is uncorrected. And the greater your desire is, the greater you will be once you correct it. For now, you must do what is required of you each time. This is how you will proceed step by step towards the goal, by correcting your desire. And that’s how we climb the mountain.

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