The Purpose Of The Universe

drugsThe general purpose of the whole universe is for humanity to reach the state where all people will be as one family. Everyone will take others into consideration and will be a guarantor for everyone else.

One of the causes that will bring this about will be the pressure coming from Nature’s Upper Law that is being revealed now. It is the law of everyone’s universal connection and dependence on each other.

But this won’t be the only cause. It will also happen because when people reach the level of mutual bestowal, they will want to shift to the new type of relationships, those of “love for your neighbor.” People will desire this consciously, on their own.

Nature governs the still, vegetative, and animate levels and balances them so they stay in mutual harmony. This is why all things in Nature consume only what is necessary to sustain their lives. Man, however, has to reach the same mutual balance with Nature by means of a conscious participation. Man has to study the structure of the universe and its unity in order to become similar to Nature. He will then be truly worthy of being called “man” (Adam in Hebrew, originating from the word Dommeh – similar to the Creator).

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  1. Great post!
    I agree – we are all connected in this sea of energy we call the universe and we need to understand that there are universal laws governing our lives. When we realize that we are unique instruments in this universal orchestra and we live by the laws and work with the laws – we will all live in harmony
    All the best

  2. Where could we study the structure of the universe and its unity, to become similar to nature?

    Would it be good idea to publish information and video in your website regarding this matter?

    With best wishes,

  3. Thank u It’s amazing how ones lives life on a day to day basis without taking notice of life that surround us and then Kabbalah comes in and you realize how incomplete your life has been

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