The Kabbalah Channel YES-66 In Wikipedia

Here’s a page about our TV Channel, YES-66 in Wikipedia:


24 hours a day, 7 days a week
free of charge,
watch a variety of
programs about Kabbalah
for the whole family

Just watching or listening to these shows draws the influence of positive forces upon a person:

“While one has not attained perfection, the Light that is destined to fill his soul is considered Surrounding Light. And when a person engages in the wisdom of Kabbalah, this Light immediately shines upon him, and the illumination one receives draws the person closer to goodness.”

(Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot, item 155“).

How Can We Make Up For The Upbringing We Didn’t Receive?

flyA question I received: I watched your discussion with Anatoly Ulyanov about raising children. The upbringing I received lacked everything you said should have been done, from Kabbalah’s viewpoint. So I did not receive the necessary education. And it so happens that I have an unconventional sexual orientation, which worries me. How can I make up for what I didn’t receive through my upbringing?

My Answer: Only the Upper Light, which descends upon a person during the study of Kabbalah, can correct him to the degree he desires to understand himself and reveal the hidden world that surrounds him. He will then feel the whole scope of the world through his new qualities, and this will correct him. Besides this influence, there is no other means of correction in our world. See item 155 of the “Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot.”

Related Material: Post: What Does It Take to Become Corrected? Post: We’re All Zombies Before Entering the Upper World
The Path of Kabbalah: “The Awakening of the Point in the Heart”
The Kabbalah Experience: “Soul, Body and Reincarnation”
Kabbalah on Education

Resorting Back To Village Life Will Not Save Anyone From The Crisis

profitIn the News (translated from A group of about a hundred people have organized a community to overcome the crisis. “We are completely self-sufficient!” the members of the community are proud to say, “We raise our own livestock, bake our own bread, produce our own food, and even our own cookies! We don’t care about the crisis!” The members of the community do not need money. They have their own school and kindergarten. They are completely self-sufficient!

My Comment: They are so infantile! Even though it seems obvious to everyone that it’s easier to survive the crisis by being closer to Nature, this tendency actually goes against Nature, which has brought us to globalization. We do not see Nature’s force that develops us, so we relate to it as to the still, vegetative and animate levels of the environment, while denying that it is purposeful and is leading us toward a certain goal.

The tendency to be protectionist and to isolate from society is anti-social and anti-global, and it weakens society’s connections, whether it is happening inside a specific country or in the world. Because this is opposite to the law of Nature’s development, it will not succeed!

Related Material: Post: America Will Not Save the World from the Financial Crisis Post: Gordon Brown Warns of the Threat of Deglobalization

Can Women Study In A Group?

thisA question I received: In one of your latest entries, someone asked you: How important is it for a woman to study in a group? And you answered:There is no such thing as a women’s group. A woman and a group are incompatible.” Are you saying that because I’m a woman, I cannot study together with other people in a group? My boyfriend and I want to join a “real life” (not virtual) group and study with them. So how am I supposed to study? By myself? At home?  Please explain.

My Answer: Women are not organized into groups of friends because the work of uniting is intended for the men only, in accordance with their nature. This is not suitable for a woman’s nature. However, during the actual study of Kabbalah, women can participate together with men or study in groups of women.

Related Material: Post: First Be A Good Wife and Mother, and Then Study Kabbalah Post: In the Spiritual World, Men’s and Women’s Souls Connect Like a Husband and Wife In This World Post: Men, Women, and Love… for One’s Neighbor

By Uniting, People Will Have Anything They Desire

Man, Woman and Divinity Between ThemMost people want just one thing: to feel good. Their purpose is a good, worry-free life: to have a job, a bank account, a social life and medical insurance. They want to have a home with a good supply of electricity and water, a supermarket nearby, and other services. They want their children to receive a good upbringing, and for everything to work like clockwork. This is what they want.

Therefore, their correction occurs through joining others by hearing about the connection between people on the material level. They are separated and they have no other opportunity to unite. However, with time, they will begin to understand that mutual compromise and mutual bestowal hold something much greater than what they initially hoped to receive.

Besides a bank account, medical insurance, a pension, and a paycheck, there is a higher level to life, and it can be felt by every person! When a person feels the Upper Force of Nature, the flow of the eternal life, then everything that happens to him or her before entering this world, everything in this life, and everything that will happen afterwards merge together into one reality. A person then reveals the hidden part of the universe and both parts unite.

People will begin to understand this as a consequence of their unification, because they’ll receive a minor luminance of Light precisely from the unification. However, this will happen at the next stage. For now, we are only concerned with unification, which is necessary in order to live well on the simple, corporeal level. That’s it – there is nothing more! What does it even mean to “live well”? It means you will have anything you desire!
(From the lesson on Baal HaSulam’s article, “One Precept,” on 03.08.2009)

Ancient Rituals Are Healthy

lifeIn the News (from The New York Times):New Web Site Seeks to Fight Myths About Circumcision and H.I.V.” Two years ago, after three African studies showed that being circumcised could give men a 60 percent lower risk of getting the AIDS virus, the World Health Organization recommended male circumcision to prevent AIDS.

The website of a worldwide public health organization propagates circumcisions as a precaution against HIV/AIDS. Findings show that circumcision reduces the likelihood of being infected by HIV by 60%.

My Comment: Overall, there are no pointless or unhealthy ancient customs. They are all good for you.

Related Material: Post: The Book of Zohar. Chapter “The Seventh Commandment”
Shamati #95: “Concerning Removing the Foreskin”
Shamati #168: “The Customs of Israel”

We Are All Female In Relation To The Creator

what-does-a-man-look-for-in-a-woman1Two questions I received on what being a woman means in spirituality:

Question: You say that in order to advance spiritually, a woman has to help the male part of the world group, and this is how she will obtain her fulfillment. However, when a woman expresses a direct desire “to be like the Creator,” everyone laughs at this. Should a woman be ashamed of this desire if she has it?

My Answer: Don’t worry. It’s quite the contrary: all of us, men and women alike – all the souls, are the female part of the Kli. We are all the desire relative to the Creator, who is the male part, the One who fulfills us.

Question: In this life I am female. In my past lives was I always female? If I reach equivalence of form in this lifetime, will I be female in spirituality? If so, will a man also be male in spirituality, or female because he will be filled with Light in his vessel which is female?

My Answer: You were always female and you will be female up until the Final Correction.

Related Material: Post: On the Men and Women Inside Us Post: Men, Women, and the Soul’s Correction Post: In the Spiritual World, Men’s and Women’s Souls Connect Like a Husband and Wife In This World
Article: “Eve – Just a Tool in the Creator’s Hands”
Interview With the Future: Part 6 “The Face of the Future – Between A Man and a Woman”

The Global Crisis Is Multi-Faceted

multiIn the News (from The Independent): Humanity is facing “water bankruptcy” as a result of a crisis even greater than the financial meltdown, two new reports show. They add that it is already beginning to take effect, and there will be no way of bailing the earth out of water scarcity.

My Comment: We won’t die from thirst! We’ll drink whiskey…

In the News (from The Guardian):Ten wasted years: UN drug strategy a failure, reveals damning report” Referring to the UN’s existing [drug] strategy, the authors declared that they had found “no evidence that the global drug problem was reduced.” Production and trafficking controls only redistributed activities. Enforcement against local markets failed in most countries.

My Comment: This is happening because people are feeling more and more dissatisfied with life, especially the younger generation, who are trying to find a meaning to life.

In the News (translated from SamaraToday): The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs advises tenants in apartment buildings to unite and organize self-defense brigades in order to protect their homes from vandals and criminals.

My Comment: The cities of the Russian Federation may soon look like the medieval times…

In The News: Is Communism The Way Out Of The Crisis?

connectIn the News (from The Guardian):Communism: a viable alternative?” Birkbeck College this weekend hosted a symposium on the idea of communism. The task is now to think what the concepts of egalitarian voluntarism, self-organization, common ownership of common means of production, abolition of class-structured society, and freedom from state power can mean today.

In the News (from The Independent):Mark Steel: So Karl Marx was right after all” Sales of Marx’s Capital are at an all-time high.

My Comment: Globalization, integration, and inter-dependence, which are now being revealed in our society, will force all of us to unite willingly and globally.

Related Material: Post: Kabbalah Gives Us the Complete Template for Creating an “Incubator” for Humanity Post: Will Capitalism Survive the Financial Crisis? Post: Baal HaSulam Describes the Society of the Future Post: The Financial Crisis Has Made Karl Marx Fashionable in Europe

Envy Is A Positive Quality When Used Correctly

a-woman-can-advance-independentlyTwo questions I received on the right way to use the feeling of envy:

Question: I feel the love of my friends, but at the same time, I feel their envy. I have read in Kabbalah books that envy is a positive quality because it forces us to advance. Don’t you think it would be better to be impressed by our friends, since it is the same kind of feeling as envy, only with the component of love? What is the best way to deal with negative feelings in the group?

My Answer: Only to see your complete dependence on the group in order to attain the goal. This will force you to attune yourself to it correctly.

Question: Is envy really such a positive feeling that it can advance a person in spirituality? If so, how can I turn the jealousy I feel toward my spouse into something positive?

My Answer: Being jealous of others’ acts of goodness and kindness helps one to become like them. Jealousy can be turned into goodness only if you use it in order to improve yourself. For example, using jealousy, you can change your attitude toward your correction.

Related Material: Post: Bringing the Alienated Souls Closer to the Creator is Not a Vice Post: The Group Is the Place for Discerning All Your Spiritual Questions
Shamati #9: “What Are Three Things that Broaden One’s Mind in the Work”
Article: “What does the Story of Adam and Eve Mean in Our Times?”