If Evil Cannot Be Corrected, It Must Be Destroyed

why-is-the-financial-crisis-bringing-more-people-to-religionA question I received: Why did you support the “right side” in the Israeli-Gaza war by saying, “If someone comes to kill you, forestall him and kill him first”?

My Answer: This is written in the Bible. Clearly, if evil in our world cannot be corrected, then its source – the person committing evil – should be destroyed, and this will be his correction. A person must protect his life, even if he has to kill someone who wishes to kill him. But at the same time, if a person is faced with the choice, “Kill someone else or we will kill you,” then he must sacrifice his life, as otherwise he will be a murderer.

I am not supporting or condemning anyone, and if I seem biased at times, ask me about it and I will try to explain my opinion and behavior.

Related Material:
Laitman.com Post: Are Kabbalists for War or for Peace?
Laitman.com Post: Hatred and Evil Are a Reflection of Our Inner State
Laitman.com Post: What Does It Take to Become Corrected?
Interview With the Future: Part 7- “A Lasting War”
Interview With the Future: “The Recognition of Evil”

One Comment

  1. your da man rav!

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