How Do You Structure Your Day While Studying Kabbalah?

laitman_2009-03_8080Three questions I received on daily life and Kabbalah study:

Question: I started watching the morning lessons, but my day has become disorganized. I can’t combine good sleep, the morning lessons, dissemination, the group, and reading of books. 24 hours a day just doesn’t seem enough for it all. What is your advice for structuring the day and prioritizing things?

My Answer: You should go to bed a couple of hours earlier. For example, I go to bed at 9 or even 8:30 p.m. and sleep until 2 a.m. So, go to bed as soon as you get home. And when you’re at the dissemination center, don’t waste even a minute on idle chatter.

Question: Why do some students of Bnei Baruch believe they should purposefully increase their egoism? Where does this confusion come from?

My Answer: It’s because they don’t understand that one has to keep aspiring toward bestowal and love by working in the group. During this work, if one’s egoism towards the friends increases, then this is the egoism he must correct in order to rise above it to the Creator. On the other hand, the original egoism that one has is just animalistic and it doesn’t relate to the Creator.

Question: What “fuel” should we run on to travel the distance from the recognition of evil to crossing the Machsom? And how can I speed up this process?

My Answer: You can do this only by means of the correct environment. See the article, “The Freedom.”

Related Material: Post: Get Through the Night, and Welcome the Dawn Post: Egoistic Desires Are Those Not Aimed at Bestowal and Love for Others Post: Everyday Life Provides Us With Opportunities to Ascend In Spirituality
The Path of Kabbalah: “About the Study”
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “Group Study”
Baal HaSulam Article: “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar”

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