Inquisition In The 21st Century?

relativeIn the News (from AFP):Afghan editor arrested for alleged blasphemy” An Afghan news editor has been arrested for publishing a newspaper article rejecting that religions, including Islam, were passed to humans through divine revelations. If found guilty under Afghanistan’s law, he could face a sentence ranging from a reprimand to the death penalty.

My Comment: All religions are the same in that they are intolerant of anyone who repudiates them. After all, religion is founded upon stories and interpretations about things that ordinary people have never seen and have to believe in. And the belief is not really in God, but in the people who tell them about Him, in the way they describe Him and the conclusions they make. This is how all the religions emerged. Therefore, if we let religion be our authority, we’ll end up with laws similar to those in Afghanistan practiced everywhere.

Religions would have liked to dictate their rules to the society for all time, and the only reason this ended was that egoism developed and the public was given a new, scientific education. As a result, today religions and their rules are there to supplement the laws of the state and the society.

This is why the religions are so afraid of Kabbalah – because Kabbalah reveals the Creator to people, leaving no room for religious speculation about a divine reward and punishment for man’s actions, which is done to intimidate the masses and extort things from them.

However, religion is still in power in some places in the world, and there we can see the true essence of religion.

Related Material: Post: Why Religion Is Against Kabbalah Post: The Opposition Between Religion and Kabbalah: Actions Versus Intentions
Baal HaSulam Article: “The Essence of Religion and Its Purpose”

Men And Women Are Satisfied By Different Things

law5A question I received: Why do women feel depressed more than men? And is it really so, or do people just think so because women are quicker to turn to a psychologist than men? And is it true that a woman needs a man?

My Answer: Men, like children, have more opportunities in this world to “play” than a woman does. This is why women are depressed more often than men. A man feels more satisfied with the superficial aspects of a relationship, whereas a woman feels more satisfaction from feelings. This also makes men less dependent.

The Talmud says that a woman would give up 90% of her wealth for a heartfelt connection with a man, but a man would only give up 10%. In other words, a woman is 90% satisfied through feelings and a man is 90% satisfied through the body.

Related Material: Post: Why Are Women More Depressed? Post: Who’s the Stronger Sex?
Kabbalah & Relationships – Kabbalistic Texts Contain a Unique Quality that Ensures a Successful Partnership

Where Did We Come From?

who-are-weIn the News (from The Guardian): “Rescuing Darwinism” According to a Theos/ComRes research study, over half of Britons are skeptical about Darwinian evolution. Roughly a quarter of people were consistent and convinced Darwinians, while slightly fewer were equally consistent and convinced opponents (split between “young earth” creationism and Intelligent Design). The remaining 50% were somewhere in between, mixing different ideas and showing a distinct inclination to hedge their bets.

My Comment: Life will make us figure this out. The question, “Where did we come from?” is related to the questions, “Who are we?” and “Why are we here?” These questions emerge along with the question about the meaning of our suffering, and soon enough, no one will be able to stay indifferent to this question or its answer.

Related Material: Post: The Vatican Accepts Darwin’s Theory, But Kabbalah Does Not Post: Darwin’s Theory No Longer Works In Our Times
The Path of Kabbalah: Chapter 2.1 – “The Purpose of Creation”

We Must Recognize The Reality Of Our Complete Interconnectedness

laitman_2009-02-03_3Two questions I received on how to overcome the financial crisis:

Question: Can you suggest the most economical way to overcome the current financial crisis?

My Answer: We have to start following nature’s law of correct distribution, where every person will realize himself to the maximum and divide everything he earns into what he needs and consumes, and all the rest. He will contribute the latter to the society, to be distributed to everyone according to their need. We can learn all about this from the human body, because this is how all of its parts are interconnected.

Let each person earn for everyone’s sake according to his ability. Let every person make millions – society will only benefit from it! If we begin to create these kinds of contracts and agreements, if people will use their talents in business and management to attain the maximum benefit for the society, then they will be compensated by the social and spiritual reward – the sensation of the Creator. And then any business we open is guaranteed to succeed!

Question: What can help the affected countries come out of the financial crisis?

My Answer: The only thing that can help everyone is to recognize the reality we have now (unwillingly) found ourselves in – a reality of complete interconnectedness and interdependence.

Related Material: Post: My Article on Ynetnews – A Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Economic Crisis Post: The Forthcoming Stages Until the End of the Crisis, Explained by Economists and by Kabbalah

This Week’s “Ask the Kabbalist” Show

The weekly TV show, “Ask the Kabbalist,” is simultaneously translated to English, Spanish, and Russian, and can be viewed on every Thursday at 7:30pm Israel time. I invite everyone to ask questions using the following number: 1-700-509-209 or on


Israel Now India’s Top Arms Supplier

the-present-crisis-is-a-crisis-of-peoples-trust-in-the-egoistic-system-of-relationshipsIn the News (from The Jerusalem Post): Israel has overtaken Russia as the main defense supplier to India after breaking the $1 billion mark in new contracts signed annually over the past two years. According to news reports, Russia had averaged sales of $875 million annually to India for the past 40 years.

My Comment: A few days ago Russia was bragging about its record-breaking arms sales in 2008. Now Israel is joining the chorus of those with the record for being barbaric. I’m definitely not proud. Actually, I’m very ashamed!

Related Material: Post: Record Arms Sales Are Nothing to Be Proud Of

The Evolution Of Ecosystems Submits To The “Law Of The Weakest,” And So Should We

munichIn the News (from LMU):The Law of the Weakest” LMU (University of Munich) researchers have now simulated the progression of a cyclic competition of three species. “In this kind of cyclical concurrence, the weakest species proves the winner almost without exception,” reports Professor Erwin Frey, who headed the study. This “law of the weakest” even held true when the difference between the competing species was slight. “Incidentally, in experiments that were conducted a couple of years ago on bacterial colonies, there was one clear result: The weakest of the three species emerged victorious from the competition,” said Prof. Frey.

My Comment: With these examples, nature shows us that the real power lies in the entire system, and the system’s priority is the survival of the weakest. The main objective in the struggle for survival that takes place in all of creation is to take care of every part of creation. So until we begin to care for everyone, equally and in inverse proportion to one’s ability to survive, we will remain “losers” in our development. By thinking and acting as if we’re above nature, we end up being stupid.

Related Material: Post: The Reason for Our Suffering, and the Alternative Path Post: It’s All for the Best (But We Can Get to It Faster)
From Chaos to Harmony: Chapter 10 – “Balance With Nature”

Kabbalah For Kids

Dr. Michael LaitmanA baby starts learning about the world the moment it’s born. One’s purpose for coming into this world is to attain the Upper World, to live in both worlds – physical and spiritual. One then gains control over himself and his life, and sees everything from an infinite perspective. Children can use games, songs, and lessons to reveal the Creator and the vast Upper World.

This is what our children did at the 2009 International Kabbalah Congress

How To Become A Kabbalah Teacher

timeThree questions I received about how to start studying Kabbalah:

Question: I recently discovered Kabbalah and I’m developing a big interest in it. I was wondering, how is it possible for me to learn as much as possible, and what should I do to eventually be able to teach Kabbalah? Are there any schools where I can apply to? Do you take on apprentices? Or do I have to try and find everything myself? And also, if there are things I don’t really understand, how can I get help to understand them?

My Answer: We have the Learning Center Online courses for beginners. If you successfully complete them, then you can advance further and even become a teacher – we have a real need for more teachers!

Question: I started studying Kabbalah three weeks ago and I have a question. When you say, “There is nothing in existence besides what is described by Kabbalah,” doesn’t that close off one’s infinite possibilities?

My Answer (and a question for you): But doesn’t Kabbalah talk about the entire creation, including the roots and nature of creation, from which all things follow?

Question: Lately I’ve been listening to your lessons and studying The Science of Kabbalah. The unfilled desires are the qualities or seeds (roots) of Kelim, aren’t they? Is the desire to fill these unfilled desires with the Light (bestowal) a conclusion of the Kelim’s creation? If yes, do I correct myself in equivalence of qualities through my desire?

My Answer: You are assessing and evaluating your state correctly. Keep going – that’s how you will create your Kelim!

Related Material: Post: One’s Reward Depends On One’s Effort
Article: “The Need for Learning Kabbalah”
Discussion: “Education Opportunity”
Lesson: “Attaining the Unity of the Universe”

Ritalin Is More Dangerous Than Cocaine

s_racheliIn the News (from National Institute of Drug Abuse):Similarities and Differences [of Ritalin] Compared to Cocaine were Found” Investigators funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse have shown that the medication Ritalin),which is commonly prescribed to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can cause physical changes in neurons – in some cases, these effects overlapped with those of cocaine.

My Comment: Everything in nature is a desire to be fulfilled. In humans, this desire undergoes constant development and determines all our progress.

Our children have new, global desires, which we suppress because we don’t know what to do with them or how to develop them correctly. As a result, we are ending up with a generation that has been mutilated by us, whose lives are full of suffering, and who are very inclined to drug use.

The solution is to institute a global, Kabbalistic education from the earliest childhood. This education is specifically intended for the new global demands that our children have. We at Bnei Baruch have been working with our children this way for several years now, and we see the wonderful results of this kind of education. Starting next year, we will be opening our own school for four hundred children.

My younger daughter (shown with me on the photo above) was brought up with a Kabbalistic education, and she went on to receive a PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah. My eldest daughter holds a PhD in Biology and Genetics. My son is a publisher.

Educating kids about the laws of nature, giving them a Kabbalistic education that reveals these laws to them, helps them to grow up to become people who are in harmony with nature.

Related Material: Post: Violence and Social Strife Can Only Be Averted Through a New Global Education Post: What the Global Education System Should Teach People
Kabbalah Today Article: “The American Education System: “F” is for Failing”
A Conversation between the Kabbalist M. Laitman and the Russian economist, publicist, and political scientist M. Khazin