Responsible For Each Other

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur sages said: “All of Israel is responsible for each other.” This is clear even from the days of Abraham who discovered the method of correction and gathered people who understood that it is possible to change the world only by changing man. In addition to that, by changing man we don’t simply change the world but also change our perception of reality and then instead of this world we feel the upper world. These are the people that Abraham taught how to connect, so that they would be able to establish the attribute of mutual bestowal in the connection between them, which is the vessel for the revelation of the upper world, the upper state.

The state of the egoistic connection and of what is felt within it is called “this world.” The new state in which we are connected and love one another is called “the upper world.” Besides, in this new state, in the mutual connection between us, we feel the general force of nature. We have not designed ourselves by ourselves in mutual bestowal, but there is a force above us that stems from nature which is in equivalence of form with us and is now being revealed in us. This is called the “revelation of the Creator to the created being.”

So, a “created being” is those who managed to connect as “one man in one heart,” in mutual bestowal. Thus, according to the equivalence of form, we reach the upper state. So, the principle of “all of Israel is responsible for each other” can be understood in two directions, straight and opposite:

·         If you belong to the category of “Israel,” you are responsible for everyone.

·         If people connect and want to belong to the category of “Israel,” they have to be responsible for each other.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/05/13, Writings of Baal HaSulam

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