Education Or Nazism?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: With the dictators who have come to power like Hitler, surely there is a sense that they proceed as educators to save the society.

Answer: Hitler was not a dictator. He rose to power in a democratic election. The people chose him. Therefore, it is impossible to say that he conquered the government through power as was done, let’s say, in Russia or some other countries. Also, Germany was not a nation that could be conquered with the help of military force. It was done through the power of persuasion.

Question: Are you saying that sages who need to rise to power now also must persuade the people?

Answer: They don’t need to persuade, but rather to educate them, to tell a person about the meaning of his life.

Persuasion is only possible when you act on a beastly level. Hitler achieved specifically this: He put pressure on the beastly instincts of the German people. The same thing can be done with any other group of people since all of them are internally convinced that “we are unique,” and this inclination toward uniqueness can be raised to the level of fascism, Nazism, that is, people can be gathered with this and directed against others.

In the integral society, a new paradigm that we advance toward is completely different: General humanity, full integrality, similarity to nature as to a single system, a balance between us and nature when each one is in his place so as to raise humanity, to help everyone to “exit themselves.” This exiting oneself will be felt by each like an acquisition of an absolutely new method of existence in which a person begins to feel life precisely outside of himself and not within himself.

Specifically this is what the sage, the leader of the new world, disseminates and advertises, and so this can be absolutely differentiated from what all leaders and dictators have done before him.
From KabTV’s “Through Time” 3/17/13

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