Entries in the 'World' Category

Western Values Are Losing Their Influence In The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Steven Erlanger, NY Times): “The West is suddenly suffused with self-doubt.

“Centuries of superiority and global influence appeared to reach a new summit with the collapse of the Soviet Union, as the countries, values and civilization of the West appeared to have won the dark, difficult battle with Communism.

That victory seemed especially sweet after the turn of China toward capitalism, which many thought presaged a slow evolution to middle-class demands for individual rights and transparent justice — toward a form of democracy. But is the embrace of Western values inevitable? Are Western values, essentially Judeo-Christian ones, truly universal?

“The history of the last decade is a bracing antidote to such easy thinking. The rise of authoritarian capitalism has been a blow to assumptions, made popular by Francis Fukuyama, that liberal democracy has proved to be the most reliable and lasting political system.

“With the collapse of Communism, ‘what we may be witnessing,’ Mr. Fukuyama wrote hopefully in 1989, ‘is the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.’

“But couple the tightening of Chinese authoritarianism with Russia’s turn toward revanchism and dictatorship, and then add the rise of radical Islam, and the grand victory of Western liberalism can seem hollow, its values under threat even within its own societies.

“The recent flood of migrants and Syrian asylum seekers were welcomed in much of Europe, especially Germany and Austria. But it also prompted criticism from a number of less prosperous European countries, a backlash from the far right and new anxieties about the growing influence of Islam, and radical Islamists, in Europe. …

“’Nineteen-eighty-nine was perceived as the victory of universalism, the end of history, but for all the others in the world it wasn’t a post-Cold War world but a post-colonial one,’ said Ivan Krastev, director of the Center for Liberal Strategies in Sofia, Bulgaria, and a contributing opinion writer for The Times.

“It seemed to many in Asia and Africa to be the end of Western ideological supremacy, given that liberalism and Communism are both Western creations with universal ambitions.”

My Comment: It is now impossible to stop the flow of immigrants to the EU. The new values are neither European nor American, but above this world, and they will be born to a new world.

Related Material:
Compulsory Unity
What Will Happen To Europe?
“Civilization: Who Is The Barbarian?”

The Transition Of Society To A New Quality

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (worldcrisis.ru): “Changing the phases of development in the chain, “Archaic Tradition, Modern, Postmodern” means the transition of society to a new quality. It occurs when a new phase ripens in the depths of the old one. That is, the story is an ongoing process, just from time to time, we note that the world has a fundamentally different.

“You should also be aware that there is a change in the phase of development in the world simultaneously. Some countries – ahead of others are drawn to them. Because the lagging have only three choices: become slaves to the leaders, somehow keep up with the leaders to preserve a certain independence, throw a challenge to the leader on the basis of an alternative model of the future.

“In each country different people and social groups ‘enter’ a new phase at different times. Someone is still in the old system cost, while others – mentally. The recognition of the changes lags behind the changes. …

“Currently there is a transition from the industrial phase to the next. It is called ‘post-industrial.’ But some argue that the post-industrial phase, has already passed, and moved to another. And they bring dozens of different names for it. You could say that it is – a question of terminology. …

“The term ‘industrialization’ does not imply ambiguity. That is – most people move from rural to urban areas for mass industrial production. Regardless of whether you personally like the results of this production or not.

“What do we see today? Developed countries have destroyed their industry, and transferred production to poor countries, industrialization is not yet past. In the backward agrarian countries are unspent resources for modernization. These are people who are willing to work for pennies in the city only for the opportunity to not live in a traditional village, with its hellish work. …

“The West led the production in poor countries, leaving behind control through financial and technological superiority

“In the transition from industrialism to post-industrialism many in manufacturing will simply will not be needed. And many others require renovation. Then we have to release people from outdated industries and retrain them for a new part of the economy, and some will have to adapt to a different type of existence. The automated economy needs a few highly qualified specialists. The rest will be unemployed.

“In this scheme, financial capitalism is not working. As has been explained many times by Mikhail Khazin. You can not control the people with money, when some people work, while others receive benefits free of charge. As a consequence, there is no need to build consumer and release huge amounts of unnecessary goods. …

“This post-industrialism will come when financial capitalism is eliminated. When it collapses. Then power over people will be on the senses:  things with  cultural, religious, and  ideological significance. There will be a key factor in the change of domination – it will mean a real transition to a new phase of development. …

“Soon after the financial collapse, moderation and temperance in all things, as regards consumption will become the mainstream propaganda. People will consume only what they really need.”

My Comment: Everything fits the Kabbalistic model of the future society, with the exception of the social structure and control; there will be a society of people who are mutually connected through good relationships and the commitment to continuously improve the connections between them. In this way, they will discover the upper world between them under the leadership and guidance of the Kabbalistic method.

Related Material:
The World Economy: On The Threshold Of Drastic Changes
We Need To Build The New World Together
The Crisis Means The Birth Of Something New

Emigrating In The Name Of Allah

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (newscom.md): “Speaking at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Ayed said  that the European countries rolled out the ‘red-carpet’ for the Moslem immigrants, not because they were compassionate, but because Europe desperately needs new sources of labor. …

“Today we live in times that let you see the global war on an unimaginable scale, with all the world leaders are like blind bats, helpless and powerless, and are not willing to stop the madness. Any idiot can see the coming Muslim invasion. The whole strange situation with Muslim immigrants – a tactic of war! …

“We will soon trample them under our feet in the name of Allah. …

“We will have children with them because we have to conquer their lands! …

“Ayed said that ‘whether you like it or not’ Americans, Italians, Germans and the French will have to accept the ‘refugees.’ …

“Europe is facing a demographic disaster because its citizens don’t have children anymore. …

“‘Emigrating for the sake of Allah means invading new lands in order to spread Islam there. And in Islam this is considered a very worthy act.'”

My Comment: Everything is happening exactly as it is written in the Torah about the end of days (the correction of the world). Islam will conquer the world and everyone will turn against Israel. The method of correcting the world will be revealed in order to raise the world to the level of mutual unity and the revelation of the Creator.

Related Material:
Compulsory Unity
Europe – Back In Babylon
The Main Thing Is To Wait For Revelation

Why Do The Lazy Live Longer?

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (Op-Ed): “It is believed that getting up early in the morning, an intense work schedule, and active sports lead to success, healthy living, and longevity. However, Peter Axt and Michaela Axt-Gadermann, authors of The Lazy Live Longer, referring to recent research scientists explain that it is a delusion. … A morning run to prevent a heart attack is likely to lead to a heart attack, and torturing oneself in a health club in the best case will not bring benefit. And in the worst case, cause harm. But being lazy and sleeping for a long time is healthy. …

Daily ‘exercises’ like gardening, walking the dog, washing the windows of the house or climbing stairs are sufficient for maintaining health and vigor.

“If we stick to the theory of life energy, physical activity only wastes precious energy reserves. Sports cannot be a guarantee of health and longevity.

‘All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison,’ Paracelsus claimed. This is true for sports training. In modern literature, sport again and again referred to as a protection against cancer. However, this view is probably valid only for moderate physical activity. Intensive athletic exercises in this respect do not carry any health effect. They may even increase the risk of cancer. …

“According to numerous studies, a certain dose of locomotor activity protects against diseases of the cardiovascular system and is good for health. This athletic exercises are not necessary. It is enough to do the same activities that we do every day: walking the dog, going shopping, climbing stairs or mowing the lawn. Try to move regularly; the program consists of half an hour of energetic walking three or four times a week and stretching your muscles for 10-15 minutes three times a week. More than this is unnecessary. From the point of view of metabolic theory, this program is the optimal basis for a long and successful life.”

My Comment: By the way, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, a person doesn’t need to be involved with special exercises to develop the body. Regular activity is sufficient for maintaining the fitness of the body. And further, it is said, “Sitting increases knowledge.”

Related Material:
The Laziness Imprinted In Our Genes
Mental Exercise That Replaces Physical Exercise
Progress Along My Own Route

Militants Are On Their Way Toward The European Union

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (pravda.ru): “Analysts are scratching their heads over the phenomenon of a mass influx of refugees into the EU. Points of view on the causes of this humanitarian catastrophe are many. Bulgarian journalist, blogger Plamen Paskov broadcast Pravda.Ru outlined his views on the matter. The expert believes that the ‘Syrian refugees’ – are an organized operation for the transfer of militants in the EU.

“Something terrible is now happening to the map of Europe. …

“…they are officially called the Syrian refugees…at least 80to 90 percent are not Syrians. …

“These ‘Syrian refugees’ – came mainly from approximately 25 countries.

“But all the media continue to persistently and unanimously dutifully call them Syrian refugees to arouse sympathy and compassion, a desire to help, to absorb, to adopt them. …

“These refuge are not refugees, but militants – the Trojan horse of an invading army.

“First of all, these people are Sunni Muslims. Second, 90% of them are men, even though in Islam it is not customary to abandon the family. Third, 90% of them are aged 35 and under. Does it follow that young, healthy and strong men are fleeing and abandoning their families? …

“Most of them have expensive mobile telephones. Occasionally photographs and videos come out in which they are clothed in uniforms and holding weapons. These are people with combat experience. And now they are entering Europe under the guise of wretchedness and misery.

“All of these people left their documents in their countries and entered through the borders of the European Union without documents. Just about all of them are passing through Turkey, which is a police state where law and order are maintained rigidly. Their route passes by way of the capital, Ankara, not by way of the Bosphorus or Anatolia, where it is impossible for them just to cross that way, especially in such immense streams like these.

“This means that with the help of the police and border guards, Turkey is helping this process which is sending them in groups to Europe. According to information from Syrian intelligence, America is gathering these warriors from 82 nations and preparing them in camps in Libya so that they will be readied combatants.

“From the camps of the true refugees, Turkey is choosing only the Muslims that they require. In no place are there Christians, even though in Turkey alone there are more than two million Christian refugees. It is not clear what happened to the 2.5 million Christians, but none of them are found in Europe.

“They only want to go to Germany, which clearly indicates that this is organized and managed.

“All of the ‘refugees’ paid for their appearance in Bulgaria, no less than 3,000 Euros, and they have close to 12,000 dollars or Euros in their pockets. These are not poor people fleeing from the horrors of war, who are being generously funded.

“Into Christian Europe is flowing an immense crowd of Sunni Muslims, Salafis and Wahhabis. Christians, Alawis, Shiites or other branches of Islam are not coming.

“Why are they not asking for refuge in Jordan, in Saudi Arabia, which are nations that are appropriate for them culturally, ethnically and religiously? No! They need Europe. This is only the beginning; they are preparing the place for the conquering army – ISIS.”

My Comment: Conspiracy? A plan for the destruction of the European Union or Europe in general? We see this as an implementation of the program of the Creator, the dominance of Islam in the end of days of our egoistic world, as was predicted in our sources. After that, the period of change will begin and everything that was written thousands of years ago will begin to materialize in order and on time.

Related Material:
Compulsory Unity
Europe – Back In Babylon
The Main Thing Is To Wait For Revelation

Another Tower Of Babel

Dr. Michael LaitmanOpinion (Andrei Miroshnichenko): “The real shock to civilization will be the introduction of a browser with the ability to translate from one language to another seamlessly, without effort on your part. Imagine you open a Chinese website and you understand everything on it. Or’re far away in Suriname also understands all instantly without any problems.

“This multilingual browser would be a disaster for this civilizational unit. …

“And we get another Tower of Babel. …

“If the printing press, according to McLuhan, established a national state, the multilingual browser, on the contrary, destroys the very principle of the national state, which built the modern world order.

“Strictly speaking, this browser is the full realization of the idea of ​​the Internet. …

“In Western Europe, each wave of the media was accompanied by a certain adjustment period. For example, the first newspaper, in fact intended for the elites, emerged in the early XVII century. In the middle of the XIX century were invented the printing press and cheaper steam driven paper making, reducing the cost of production of the press, there were mass newspapers – the penny press, and there contemporary journalism emerged. That is, the distribution of newspapers from the elite to the masses took just about two centuries and formed a political system that came in the form of the general qualifying the same general reader for voting.

“In the first third of the XX century there was already a radio, even for the mass media, which did not require literacy. It played a crucial role in the formation of fascist, communist and commercial empires, that is, in the formation of modern advertising and promotion. Then came television and the Internet. Each wave of media has created new social relations. …

“… these processes are related to the ‘colorful revolutions,’ religious extremism, international tensions, all this is the ‘new Middle Ages’ – a reaction to the too rapid evolution of the media in recent years. Traditionalist consciousness, which is still at the stage of information broadcast from the ‘top-down’ is in conflict with the open architecture of the network, with its freed authorship.

“… the Gutenberg printing press led to religious wars, revolutionary and reactionary terror, redrew the map of Europe, the continent settled by three types of refugees: political, economic and religious.

“I believe that we are waiting for disasters, comparable in scale.

“More curious is how widespread computerization and speeding the flow of information is combined with counter-tendencies. …

“Imagine from two-dimensional space, we jumped to twelve. Of course, this is a shock. Inevitably, there are reverse reactions.

“The fact that changes are taking place in the media are not limited to changes in personal or social habits. …

“In the transition from book to media, restructuring occurs physiological brain.

“Reading involves language centers, and Internet surfing is a task. …the ability to skillfully use the information on the Internet is developing at the expense of the ability to read length. Internet surfing, incidentally, is very useful for the elderly. After all, the brain has to deal with many small unnoticed tasks: to click – not to click on a particular link. They say this almost invisible training helps Parkinson’s disease . But the brain of a young person in the transition to society from an online book loses the ability to concentrate.

“In fact, long-term focus on an abstract subject initially was not peculiar to man, and in the wild, even dangerous.. . Prior to the book, only priests and hunters were able to concentrate for a long time on one object.

“Thanks to Gutenberg, the ability to focus on abstract thoughts physiologically altered the brain of millions of people, which led to the explosive development of science, the discovery of vaccines, flight into space.

“Today multimedia effects on the brain leads us to the next round of the spiral. The older generation may still have some immunity, some reflection on the transition from the book to online. But the biggest problem here – the education of children. They have no experience of socialization offline, they think the Internet – is something that has always been. And they did not have experience of reading anything of length.

“There is a rhetorical question. For example, Nicholas Carr’s famous question about the Internet, does it make us dumber or smarter, I answer – ‘yes.’

“Immediately after it are seen new horizons – dimensional media, immersive media, induced reality, implantation device, finally connecting to the network of nerve endings.”

My Comment: Everything is evolving only to realize the program of nature, the unification of all of humanity into the image and system of an Adam (Man), a single man. The introduction of all kinds of media will need to complete the unification of everyone into a single organism, into one heart, desire, and mind. This will no longer expressed through technological attainments, but through voluntary ascent above our egoism according to the method of the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Related Material:
Unity Or The Tower Of Babel?
Welcoming The Recognition Of Evil
The Internet: The Mirror Of Humanity

“The Current Crisis Won’t Be Corrected Without A War”

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (pravda.ru/economics): “Many experts compare the current economic crisis to the crisis of 2008-2009: the fact that coping with it was managed. But it is not so simple. ‘Speaking economically, but in 2008 the Americans managed to get the world to buy its crisis. But this year, the world will not be able to buy the US crisis,’ …

“The main thing is that the current crisis cannot be fixed without a war, and this is very bad. The methods that were used for the elimination of the 2008 crisis, are simply not working. They were not enough. This applies not only to Western countries, but also to us. [Russsia] …

“Even though the United States has gradually begun to emerge from the crisis, this movement is only for the upper third of the population, while the poorest third of the population is deteriorating into even greater poverty. …

“The simplest solution, which the masters of life generally use when they don’t succeed in overcoming a crisis, is war. The war increases credit. The Americans have often tried to use this, but recent wars have not helped them. A unipolar world cannot bring peace to humanity and an unstable system will push us closer and closer to global war”.

My Comment: I agree that the present crisis is impossible to correct without war! Its nature is not economic nor demographic, meaning that it is not within the societal structures that were created by humanity, but within human nature itself. The required war is only against our egoistic nature, as it is the origin of all of our problems.

So, the wisdom of Kabbalah has been revealed, which is the method for war with the universal ego. Specifically, we must begin this anti-egoistic world war as quickly as possible! And the moment this war begins, we will enter into a state of peace, a state of a higher new world!

Related Material:
World War Is No Solution For The Global Crisis
Can The War Save The World?
The First Economic World War Has Begun

Once Again Everyone Will Become A Single People

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News (cont.ws):  “This revolution, many researchers call a demographic catastrophe, as the European region stopped the reproduction of its population. By 2050, excluding immigration, instead of the current 728 million, the European continent will number 600 million. That is equivalent to the loss of the population living today in Germany, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland combined. The last time such a significant reduction in the population was observed in Europe was only during the plague years 1347-1352. …

“Naturally, this leads to the inability of the EU to maintain the integrity of the existing social structure: the labor force will soon be too small, which already puts into question the very preservation of the social security system. While the many generations who were born in the demographic boom after World War II are still working in Europe, when they retire, the system will change radically. …

“The most important condition to prevent it is a constant and growing influx of immigrants. …

“As a result of these processes in the countries of Europe, there is a deep ethnocultural restructuring, in which it is increasingly becoming like a ‘melting pot’ (the concept of total blending of nations and races …). Europeans are being replaced by other ethnic groups, which are mixed with each other, and are forming a ‘nation of immigrants’ or ‘new nomads.'”

My Comment: All this is completely compatible with the trend of all matter merging into a single whole, into the image of Adam (Man), as described in the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Related Material:
70 Different Nations Together On The Same Earth
Children Of Different Nations – One World, One Soul
The Kabbalists About The Nation Of Israel And The Nations Of The World, Part 10

A Dangerous Delay In Preventing Evil

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Seed Of Our Fault

Question: It is clear that no European countries are capable of coping with the current refugee crisis.  Do you think that a joint solution to the problem can be found?

Answer: There is no solution! Europeans will seek a way out, but they won’t find it. The nature of the problem and the peculiarities of the European mentality will reverse the situation against us and they will blame Israel for their problems.  

We have already dealt with this kind of claim. They even blamed us for the tsunami in Japan, not to mention the tragedy of the Twin Towers or the creation of ISIS. Some believe that the Jews wish evil things to occur in the world and that disasters and natural catastrophes are the handiwork of Jews. 

But there is a seed of justness in their accusations. Of course, we don’t cause the evil, but neither do we prevent it. There is a cardinal difference between their traditional accusations and the current claims. The difference is that we really are capable of preventing hardships by immediately explaining the wisdom of Kabbalah to everybody, but we are already lagging behind in this work.

Kabbalah is, in essence, a science of unity. With its help, humanity will unite. When it unites, it will rid itself of all troubles. So, their claims really contain the seed of our fault. It turns out that their allegations of our fault contain a seed of truth.

Do Not Procrastinate Until the Last Moment

Question: How can an ordinary person arrive at the conclusion that we need a qualitatively different solution, not a habitual one? How can common Israelis understand that the solution really depends on them?

Answer: Among other things, the conclusion should result from our work with them. Above everything, we have to explain to the Jewish people what their purpose is and why we bear the name Israel – “Yashar-El” (directly to the upper), and why we are called Jews – “Yehudim” that originates from the word ”Yihud” – unity.

We should decipher the notion of the word “upper.” What is the upper force, the one, the only, the unique? It is a force toward which we should seek to be like after we attain unity.

Our people have the responsibility of bringing the entire world to global unity and love in accordance with the principle of “love thy neighbor as thyself.” All these principles have to be explained to the people of Israel and to other peoples of the world.

Of course, we have to take into consideration the inertia of thinking, that it takes time for this message to be accepted, understood, and experienced. We must start acting now! Otherwise we’ll get to the point when other nations will demand an answer from us, but it will be too late to explain, as they won’t perceive a thing!

That’s why in his article, “Messiah’s Shofar,”  Baal HaSulam writes that the revelation of the wisdom of Kabbalah to wide masses is a mandatory condition of Israel’s deliverance.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/28/15

Related Material:
Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 5
The Connection Between Tsunamis And Anti Semitism
The Refugee Crisis In Europe

“German Mayor Blames Israel For Syrian Refugee Crisis”

Dr. Michaell LaitmanIn the News (Jerusalem Post): “The Social Democratic mayor of Jena, Albrecht Schröter, on Friday accused Israel of partial responsibility for the Syrian refugee crisis and called on Germany’s foreign minister to ‘show less restraint’ toward the Jewish state. …

Schröter told the Thüringische Landeszeitung newspaper, in connection to the Syrian refugee crisis: ‘The US policy of hostility toward Islam bears its fruits.’ He called on his party and its Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier ‘to change the role of Germany in the Middle East conflict. Germany must break with restraint toward Israel as an occupying state.’ …

“The otherwise obscure mayor in Jena, a university town with nearly 110,000 residents, caused controversy in 2012 when he urged a sweeping boycott of Israeli products. He joined the anti-Israel Pax Christi Catholic aid organization in a petition calling for goods from Israel to be boycotted. Kevin Zdiara, the then–deputy representative of the German-Israel Friendship Society in Erfurt, the capital of Thuringia state, where Jena is located, said Schröter’s action recalled the Nazi slogan: ‘Don’t buy from Jews!’

“The Post sent a press query to Schröter seeking a comment.

“In 2012, Schröter said, ‘I firmly reject the malicious accusation of anti-Semitism  against me.'”

My Comment: There is no doubt that all problems, from small to great, will be directed towards Israel and the Jews for one reason: The world situation depends on our unification into a single whole, and the method of unification of the world is the wisdom of Kabbalah. The people of Israel mastered this wisdom more than 3,500 years ago. So the moment that it is bad for the world, they instinctively blame the Jews. And to correct this is possible only through using the method of unity, beginning amongst the Jews themselves and after that, spreading to all the nations of the world.

Related Material:
The Blood Libel Of The United Nations
United Nations Resolution: Israel Is The Only Nation In The World That Is Violating Economic And Social Rights
The Useless Services Of The Jews