Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/25/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letters 48”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Item 7

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Selected Highlights

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 6/24/24

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Victory over Oneself

239Question: How can I reach the despair that I am weak and cannot connect with others to reveal the quality of bestowal between us called “the Creator“?

Answer: You do not need to aim for despair. If I am heading toward despair, I am already in despair! I have nowhere else to go. I should aim for victory!

My victory will be in reaching despair with my own strength, but when I reach despair with my own strength, I find the opportunity to turn to the Creator at that exact point.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Path to the Creator Lies Through a Broken Heart
Moments of Despair
What To Do When You’re Overcome By Despair

Demonstrate the Methodology in Action

937The upper light is acting upon us even now but very cautiously and in the opposite direction. It does not reveal itself to us; instead, it makes even greater darkness for us to feel a strong need for it. That is how it works.

When we begin to ascend the degrees of attaining the system of the upper connecting force, we will be able to speak to humanity in a completely different language. We will explain our methodology to them through our own experiences and demonstrate it in action.

We must reach this state because the nations will not strive toward the Creator and connection themselves. They are immersed in their egoistic desires and will suffer silently. If the point in their hearts, the desire to reveal the source of their lives, does not awaken in them, they will continue to live as they do. After all, desire determines the development of a person.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Generate a Common Force
The Need for The Upper Force
The Law That Operates at All Levels

Incorporate into the Group

938.03Question: If a person excludes himself from the global spiritual process, does everything pass by for him?

Answer: It depends on luck, on the quality of the soul. Some souls develop slower, some quickly.

The man himself who has a soul does not know what kind of soul he has. He should just make every effort, and then whatever happens. Otherwise, he will not have freewill.

Question: So is it impossible to give a person a practical recommendation to get incorporated into the process?

Answer: Just get incorporated! He has a group and needs to glue himself into it, fall, dissolve into it, absorb as much as possible everything they do, think, say, absorb it into himself like a baby.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Benefits Of Being In The Group
I Am Disappearing And Growing
A Whole Group Of Ten

Questions about Spiritual Work—140

281.02Question: Let us say I have an exciting question that I cannot find an answer to. What do I need to do: write on a piece of paper, turn to the inner teacher, or tune in to the fact that I will hear the answer through my friends, through the sources, through the lesson, through you?

Answer: We need to write and talk to our friends. Then, our inner state will change, and we will be able to understand ourselves more.

Question: How can I strengthen myself in direct connection with the Creator?

Answer: Exactly the way you want it to be. Think so, do so, say so, and ask.

Question: We have two places where we get energy from. That is an ordinary place where we live, and energy comes to us from the environment, loved ones, and even partially from the group. And there is an upper place where we turn to the Creator, do some actions through the ten, and receive energy from the Creator. Does it mean that protecting ourselves from the influence of the environment is to empty the lower part and receive energy only from our actions of bestowal?

Answer: No, keep asking, and you will see from practice how much will be distributed to your desires.

Question: Is it possible to eventually come to a state where we independently keep the restriction and decide for ourselves what not to receive, even if the Creator wants to give it us, but we live only from the action of bestowal?

Answer: Yes, this is also possible.
From the  1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/7/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 21

Related Material:
Questions about Spiritual Work—139
Questions about Spiritual Work—138
Questions about Spiritual Work—137

Become the Master of Your States

600.02Question: You said that we need to aspire silently to be with everyone in one desire: “I want to be with everyone in one desire.” This “I” confuses me a lot. After all, it should eventually disappear, right?

Answer: But over whom are you the master if not yourself?

Comment: I am not really a master!

My Response: Exactly, you are not a master, and that is why you should do everything to become the master of your state. You can make it so that the upper light begins to act on you and connect you with others.

Question: Does the light act on me or on the friends? After all, I should think about the friends…

Answer: It does not matter what you think about the friends. By thinking about them, you change yourself.

Question: So is the correct direction that I want to unite the friends and bring them to unity, to the Creator?

Answer: But you have to perform these actions on yourself. Then the connection will happen.

Comment: I want our work to be immensely beneficial for everyone.

My Response: To achieve this, you need to bring the entire system into order.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Creator Shines to Us through Friends
Connection—Above Everything
Between The Friends

The Need for the Upper Force

935When we unite in groups at the level of our world, we usually evoke only negative forces, like a man and a woman who initially form a union but then encounter various problems because each of them is an egoist. Therefore, in striving to unite, we must understand that we are doing this to feel the need for the upper force. This is possible only when great egoism arises between us, a desire to distance ourselves from each other and dominate others. If a group truly aims for connection, very serious centrifugal forces can emerge that tear it apart.

This is the most important thing that can manifest in people. If they understand this, they rejoice at the evil forces revealed between them. Then it becomes simple arithmetic.

To the extent that they discover evil forces between them, they must constantly clarify that they are revealing them and are glad of it. They specifically engage in connection because, during the process of drawing closer, one increasingly reveals the evil forces that repel them from others. It is this very evil that forces us to turn to the good, to the upper force, to the Creator, who can balance and unite us. This is the method of revealing the Creator.

In reality, it is not that complicated. We just need to constantly monitor ourselves and manage what is happening with our mind and heart. We unite in a group as the Kabbalists advise us because it is in this style of unity, which we aim to achieve, that we will reveal the impossibility of uniting and thus understand the need for the upper force, the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Reason for Appealing to the Upper Force
When There Is Not Enough of the Upper Force
We Need A Third Force

What Is a Group?

938.04Question: When can a gathering of people be called a group that is working correctly?

Answer: A gathering of people is called a group when they have a common goal and understand how they should connect and according to what system. This means it is already a group studying Kabbalah. They have a leader and individuals responsible for ensuring that they meet, study, and participate in various activities.

In other words, a group is not just a bunch of people who got together in a bar or at a stadium. It is a serious assembly of people ready to connect to reveal the Creator between them despite their nature.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention

Related Material:
Feel the Group
Connection With The Group Is Connection With The Creator
How Can You Feel the Power of the Group?

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/24/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letters 38-2”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Item 1

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Selected Highlights

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