The Law in Force at All Levels

264.01Compared to other parts of nature, a human being is a creature that rises above its animalistic side and becomes a social element by creating society, state, and family, not just a temporary family for reproduction, like animals, but a long-term family. Then he develops industry, science, art, etc. Everything that exists within a person is the makings for one’s elevation to a spiritual level through the connection of one’s  inner parts.

How does this happen? We exist in our world to push a person toward returning to the spiritual state where one was initially. First, we create various communication systems between us, such as trade, financial systems, etc. We engage in wars and alliances just to understand how we can progress.

After undergoing multiple splits and disappointment in the ability to unite properly, we turn to Kabbalah. The first to turn to it was Adam, 5,780 years ago. He was the first to reveal this system.

The system’s design is providing humanity with the means to connect correctly. This connection, known as a mutual guarantee or Arvut, can be achieved similarly to how inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels achieve connection within the systems existing in our world. If we study these systems, we will see that they operate according to mutual guarantee. For example, each part of the human body is responsible for the entire organism. Feeling its responsibility, it automatically acts as needed to maintain the physiological life of all other parts. That is why the body exists.

However, when the connection between parts of the organism fails, a person immediately becomes ill. And if the interconnection between cells and internal systems further fails, the person dies. The same applies to society. This law operates at all levels.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

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