The Main Laws Cannot Be Changed

282.02Comment: In your blog you wrote that a sacrifice is the ability of a person to literally cut off pieces from his desires of the inanimate, vegetative, and animate levels.

The simplest thing is to work with inanimate desires. For example, in the Torah this is described as manufacturing various objects from precious metals. In addition, you mention different categories of all kinds of vegetative and animate desires, which, according to the Torah, are sacrificed.

The last level of desire is human: Cohens, Levites, Israel. This is not clear.

My Response: Everything is measured by whether I do it clearly for the benefit of people or not.

Question: But why is everything coded like that? The Torah is more than 3,000 years old, and most people do not feel that it is necessary to come closer to the Creator by “cutting off pieces of their egoism.” Why is everything so concealed and not said directly?

Answer: Basically it is said directly. But people do not want to admit it.

Question: But it is not clear from the Torah that it is necessary to work with egoism inside a person.

Answer: Why? “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and so on. What is not clear here? The most basic laws are given in a concise and very clear manner. You cannot change them in any way.

Comment: Yes. But when you read all these love stories…

My Response: Indeed, people begin to interpret them in their own way: to some yes, to others no, yes for one thing, no for another. It is all because of our egoism. This is how we turn everything supposedly in our favor.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/8/23

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