What Is Sacrificing Egoism?

527.01Question: What does it mean to sacrifice my egoism? Let’s say I want to enjoy something in this world. Then what? Am I making a restriction on this desire?

Answer: If this action is directed at harming others or nature, then we should try to limit ourselves and not apply it. This is called offering sacrifice.

Question: But if I just enjoy without harming anyone with my pleasure, is that okay?

Answer: Yes, of course. This is why the wisdom of Kabbalah explains what sacrifice means and how it should be done.

Suppose a person has a desire to enjoy at the expense of another, and the fact that he does not allow himself to do this, he sacrifices his desire to enjoy by using someone for his own sake, meaning, he sacrifices his egoism.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 1/8/23

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