The Process of Transmitting Spiritual Information

276.02Question: You claim that the more a person is connected to the spiritual system, the more information he can transmit through himself to the outside. But is this formula even correct?

For example, there are people who can write beautifully and do something, but they do not carry the spirit of unity. Suppose, they have written something about Kabbalah, but there is nothing of internal connection there. Conversely, suppose there is an actor who has transferred enormous information through himself due to unification.

Answer: This can only be seen by a person himself (if it can really be seen): how he behaves, how he has been positioning himself over many years of spiritual work.

Firstly, whether he criticizes others or whether it does not matter to him at all; whether he pulls students to him or freely releases them, which means that you can come and go at any time; how he exists on his own, and what occupies a greater place in his life: he with his egoism or the teaching itself.

As for people who are not yet in spiritual attainment, there is a problem with them because anyone can speak beautifully. Depending on whether he is a good speaker, you will listen to him, but in the end, you may not take anything. But what difference does it make to us?

A person can understand and realize only what he has already gone through. Therefore, nothing can be said in advance anyway.

I give out a lot of information; some people begin to understand it earlier, and others later. A person somehow adapts himself to this, and suddenly it pops out from within: “Oh! This is actually so.” He heard this maybe a year ago or many years ago; such things do happen. Perhaps in 20 years you will suddenly hear a phrase that you heard today and understand it.

That is, it is useless to tell a person something in advance, to warn him, and to protect him. You just have to wait patiently until he goes through all his states. Until he experiences them, he will not understand what is being said.

Question: What happens if your student, who is engaged in dissemination, transmits something to the outside?

Answer: In this way he then transmits my phrases through himself, and you perceive them. In the same way, our translators and my students broadcast them in all corners of the world. And it does not matter to you whether you receive information through me or through them.

This is just fine. If people learn from me and are attached to me, then, in general, they convey the correct information without realizing it by themselves.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Dissemination Wizard” 3/13/10

Related Material:
A Conduit of Spiritual Energy
Based on Global Connection
The Internal And External Side Of Dissemination

Common Agreement Is Required

942Question: Is it possible to connect hearts when some in the ten disagree that this is the only way to hear the voice of the Creator?

Answer: This is not good. We must reach a state where everyone desires and performs the same action and expects the same result.

Question: Sometimes friends say that they hear the voice of the Creator without connecting with the ten. How can that be?

Answer: I do not know. I do not believe that a person can do this without first connecting through acts of bestowal with other friends.

Question: Can the part of the group that agrees with this condition hear the voice of the Creator?

Answer: It is not likely that this can be achieved without the support of the entire ten.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/12/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 41

Related Material:
Toward a Single Goal
Aim for a Common Goal
One Common Heart Directed to the Creator

The Importance of Group Work

938.01Question: As a rule evil forces us to turn to good. Against what background is evil revealed? Should the feeling of evil be constant as an indicator of our progress?

Answer: Evil is not revealed in us because we strive for good. When we come to study Kabbalah, we are not interested in good and evil or all these categories in general. We are interested in comprehending the Creator, revealing the upper world, revealing the source, the cause, and the purpose of the universe, that is, everything above our life that controls it.

When I study, they tell me that to reveal the control system, the higher power, the upper world, you must unite with your friends. They tell me about the system of Adam HaRishon, which needs revealing.

To reveal it, I have to be in a group. Therefore, they include me in a group of friends to unite and mutually care for each other, etc.

All this is repulsive to my ego, mind, and soul, but I can do nothing. They explain why this is important. Gradually, under the influence of the upper light, I begin to feel the importance of working in a group.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Feel the Group
Salt And Pepper In Spiritual Work
Place Of Connection With The Creator

Everything Outside of Me is My Soul

423.01Question: If everything that is outside is my “I,” then what is the point of pulling everything on myself?

Answer: Pull it on yourself and say that it is not all your egoism, but it is all you.

Feel that the other is you. What is the other one? It is a part of you that was cut off from you by a spiritual knife and seems foreign to you. You are given such an illusion.

Our qualities at the human level appear in our sensations as strangers. Our animate desire, which we feel as bodily, appears in the form of the animate world.

We also have a vegetative desire, just as our body has hair and nails. That is, the vegetative level of our desires is felt by us as the plant world. The inanimate world inside us is all the minerals, all the elements, stars, and galaxies that seemingly exist outside of us.

In fact, all I see around me is contained in four levels of desire. Those that exist partially inside me, I consider to be my “I,” and those that I see outside of myself, I do not consider to be my “I.”

Therefore, I need to realize, attach myself to everything that is outside of me, and understand that this is my immediate integral part, even more dear to me than the part that is inside of me. And when I integrate it, attach it, and stick it to myself through the love I develop for it, it is exactly within it that I will be able to feel the upper force, my higher life, and my eternal state.

And I myself am just a small dot relative to all this “I” that is outside. And what is inside me now? What does “I” mean? In fact, the animal body that we consider to exist is an illusion. And there is also a point— the beginning of the soul. And the whole soul is everything that is outside of me.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Whole World is Me” 2/4/10

Related Material:
The Whole World Is Inside Me
All of Humanity Is Within Me
My World Is A Collection Of Desires

Make Everything to the Positive

632.4Question: How can we unite to feel the revelation of the Creator?

Answer: Our main progress is through ascents and descents. Let us say right now I feel completely stupid. I do not remember words or how to connect a couple of phrases. My head is empty and I am clumsy in my desires and aspirations. I am dead! Even worse.

And then everything passes, and a new state appears. It becomes more and more apparent and colorful. I strive forward to my friends; everything takes on meaning and taste. And then again, tastelessness, decline, detachment, stupidity, etc. And again, colors, tastes, desires!

That is how we move forward. The most important thing is to unite in both men’s and women’s tens so that you always receive common benefits from the falls of some and the rises of others. Our work is like that of a rectifier in a Wheatstone Bridge circuit. When it works in a positive phase, it goes to a plus; when it works in a negative phase, it also goes to a plus. Everything depends on our unification.

If we unite correctly, the Creator will ensure that we complement each other, and our common downfalls and ascents will always be only in our favor and will have a vast overall effect. So let us take care of this. After all, this is only possible through our unification.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
Falling For The Sake Of Rising
There Is No Room For Downtime Between Ascents And Descents
Artificial Respiration

The Point that Determines a Person’s Life

 202Question: Can you distinguish a person with a point in the heart from others?

Answer: Yes of course. It does not depend on a person’s age. It does not even depend on whether they study Kabbalah or not. It is evident that they have this point.

I remember when I brought my seven-year-old son to Rabash he said, “He has a point in the heart.”

But that did not stop him from advising me to send my son far away from me. He believed the boy would hinder my development, and it would be better for me to be alone. And moving away would be beneficial for my son’s health. So, I sent him away.

It does not matter. My son is still connected to us, even though he had opportunities to become anything he wanted.

The point in the heart is something that determines a person’s entire life.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. The Creator in Man…“ 3/20/10

Related Material:
When the Point in the Heart Awakens
Time to Extract the Point in the Heart
Elevate The Point In The Heart

Follow the Creator

942Dam (blood) means Demama (silence/stillness), as in, “And Aaron kept silent,” and “Be silent for the Lord” (Rabash, Letter No. 32).

Question: What is this power of silence? What is it expressed in?

Answer: It is a state when a person agrees with everything that comes from the Creator and agrees to remain silent.

Question: How can one correctly follow the Creator?

Answer: Following the Creator correctly means finding out in the group how fully you are connected with the inner power of the ten, and then you can be more or less sure that you are taking the right steps. All internal actions are performed only through the ten.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/14/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 32

Related Material:
The Force Leading to the Creator
A Spiritual Orientation Toward The Creator
Correct the Point of Connection with the Creator

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 6/26/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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Selected Highlights

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The Emergence of New Strength

938.04Question: You said to clarify what strength we reveal from our connection in the ten. How should we analyze this correctly?

Answer: In our attempts to connect we must try to see how those strengths and opportunities we lack are born from our unity.

In this way, we will understand what we can develop within ourselves. We must look for new states we have not felt before, i.e., new strength, new connections, and new opportunities.

In the habitual rhythm of our actions, we must see this new strength each time, how it is born each time we get closer to each other, and how a new opportunity emerges in the connection with each other.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/11/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 59

Related Material:
The Force Leading to the Creator
The Force of Unity Is the Most Powerful!
Unity Is A New Reality