Artificial Respiration

232.08The Creator expects us to unite each time more and more correctly  over the increasing darkness that grows day by day. We are not afraid of this darkness, and we can already support each other, as it is said: “They helped every one his friend.”

Alone, without my friends, I could not ascend. Sometimes we come to class completely empty, without any glimmer in our hearts or in our heads. But when we engage with others, we receive an awakening from them.

And this is correct. Do not be afraid or ashamed of it. This is what is called the center of creation, when I, empty, disillusioned and unable to do anything, receive strength from the connection with my friends and start to awaken as if by artificial respiration.

We must feel more and more dependent on the ten that gives us life. Without the ten there is no life but only animal existence that is doomed to death.

This time of life in the animal body is given in order for us to draw a pipeline from each of us to the center of his ten and between all the tens to their common center until everything is connected together with the generations of Kabbalists of the past. Gradually, we will all curl into a single point in the center of Adam HaRishon. It is as if we are rolling back the carpet that has been unfolded for us, and so we attain the greatness of the Creator.

From this we can understand our dependence on each other, because our salvation is only in the ten. Everyone who falls out of connection is thrown into animalistic life and who knows if he has a chance to return.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the ties in the ten as much as possible. And let us fall every day into more and more egoism, but yesterday’s connection will help us today. When I fall into a beastly state, I am left with a record (Reshimo) from yesterday’s connection with my friends, which revives me and builds the foundation for a new spiritual state.

Therefore, descents are no less important than ascents because the advantage of light is revealed from the darkness. The greater the darkness, the greater the light, and at the junction between the light and the darkness, the greatness and importance of the Creator is revealed to us, woven from both of them, like in: “I am the Lord and there is no other. Who forms light and creates darkness.”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/3/21, “The Greatness of the Creator in the Ten” (Preparation for the Convention 2021

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