And They Had No Sons

294.3And they had no sons. He said, “We do not bring any benefit to the Creator” (Midrash Rabbah, Bereshit 17).

Question: Is it possible that if there are no sons, then we do not benefit the Creator? For example, there are two daughters in our family. Why are daughters of no use to the Creator?

Answer: They are, but not completely. You are not considered to have fulfilled the commandment “be fruitful and multiply.” But you are still young, so go ahead!

Question: Still, I want to understand what the sons bring that pleases the Creator?

Answer: According to Kabbalah, a son means a special quality, power, and a daughter is something accompanying, less important than a son.
From KabTV’s “Man and Women” 5/14/24

Related Material:
“He Had No Sons, But Daughters”
“If A Man Has A Wayward And Rebellious Son ”
Harmonious Complement

An Accessible Explanation Is a Profession

243.01Comment: You once said that old material is not worth listening to.

My Response: No, there are very good things in the archive. It is just that in subsequent explanations, the presentation of the material becomes more professional as more precise words are found. An accessible explanation is a profession after all.

For example, Baal HaSulam had a very good, unique language—academic, precise, and polished. But in the same era, there were many great Kabbalists, such as Rav Kook, whose works no one understands despite him having written an enormous number of books.

The greatest Kabbalist Baal Shem Tov did not write a single book at all. He deliberately did not want to write. And there were many like him who could or could not write and did so better or worse. For instance, Chaim Vital, who received spiritual heritage from the Ari, eventually collected and published these works at the end of his life, and his son and grandson continued his work.

All this is done gradually because the adaptation of materials to our world is carried out according to the souls that descend here. Can you compare the people who sat before me fifteen years ago and those today? They are completely different people.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Old stuff” 2/1/10

Related Material:
The Great Kabbalists And Their Works
What Are Kabbalists Working On?
Kabbalists On Spiritual Work In The Group, Part 17

Annul before Your Friends

524.01Question: When I participate in workshops, a revelation of evil occurs in me. I see some flaws in every friend: this one says the wrong thing, that one speaks softly, this one falls asleep, etc. These are the pictures drawn in front of me. How do we act correctly in such cases?

Answer: The advice is simple: be like a small child who sits between the big ones. Open your eyes and mouth, and take it all in like that. That is the best thing to do.

Give yourself completely to the general flow. What the friends say is good. Do not criticize them, even if they speak incorrectly. Take their words as kind, good, and true: “I want the same, and I am with them.” You will see how you come out after the workshop.

Question: Is there a point in working with the evil inclination? Is the main thing to be together with everyone in the process?

Answer: Of course! What kind of evil?! The evil is only in you. And the fact that you see it in others and criticize it is how you shoot yourself in the foot.

The Creator holds these paintings in front of you so that to the contrary you will annul yourself even more and try to penetrate them. All that you see that is bad in them is all in you.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
Creative Annulment Before The Friends
Annulment Is The Condition For Revelation Of The Creator
Annul Yourself Only Before The Friends Along The Spiritual Path

How to Find an Eternal State

624.02Question: When I see imperfection, I pray to the Creator and instantly feel perfection. This filling of perfection simply extinguishes all my questions and queries. How do I stay in prayer all the time?

Answer: This happens because all your actions are for yourself. If they were for filling others, you would not feel fulfilled.

You would act to fill them, and you would feel the perfection of the Creator in creation, and yourself—only so that this perfection is revealed to others.

And then this state would be permanent, eternal.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
Eternal Perfection
Always Strive for Perfection!

The Most Shattered Part of the Universe

738The Creator created one desire, which underwent development and then broke into small parts. Starting with the shattering of the common desire into separate particles, egoism arose between them, a mutual rejection from each other, and they began to feel themselves placed in our world.

All the inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human desires that we began to feel, we began to see outside of ourselves in the form of the surrounding world. Our desires for each other consist of four levels we call still, vegetative, animate, and human, or 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Our job is to get off the egoistic degree because by staying on it we do not even feel where we are.

Egoism initially closes us inside ourselves—each and every one. While in it we feel nothing but our world. That is the lowest, most insignificant, and most broken part of the Universe. Therefore, we do not know who we are, what we are, what we are for—absolutely nothing! Perhaps we feel overwhelmed. And then, even this truth we do not feel.

But we are given the power that develops us. Gradually, more and more upper light descends on us, the quality of bestowal, which allows us to feel the need to unite with each other.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/17/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Why Was The General Soul Shattered?
Shattered Into Parts To Understand The Whole
Assembling The World From Its Shattered Parts

Where the Creator Is Revealed

236.01The Creator has made man unable to help himself. …The Creator has made the hardening of the heart, so that man will be unable to overcome the evil in him and will need the Creator. By this, man will need to be rewarded with the NRNHY of Neshama (Rabash, Article 1, 1989, “What Is the Extent of Teshuva [Repentance]?”).

The Creator did everything so that a person cannot reveal the upper world and the Creator, but one will feel a need for Him and turn to Him with a request that obliges the Creator to help him or her.

That is the “hook” that we must make. On the one hand, we yearn to attain the Creator, to reveal Him; it seems possible, and we rush forward headlong. On the other hand, we stumble, fall, make mistakes, and become increasingly convinced that we cannot do it on our own.

When a person reaches the greatest devastation, the greatest disappointment, and raises one’s hands because he realizes that one has no way to reveal the Creator, but on the other hand, a person still cannot leave it, he must comprehend Him—these are the two opposite forces, properties, sensations, and passions that begin to form in him and it is the vessel in which the Creator reveals Himself.

Thus, a desire to attain the Creator and a disappointment in the impossibility of doing it reveal within a person. Then, between these two forces, the Creator is revealed.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
How Can I Reveal The Creator?
Meeting The Creator On The Steps Of The Ladder
Tuning In To The Creator

Toward Final Correction

944Question: What is final correction?

Answer: Final correction is the attainment of being together with all souls in one common soul called Adam, from the word “Domeh,” “like the Creator.” We are like Him, and therefore He fills us.

We are like the Kli, and the Creator is like the light. That is the state when we are united together, and the Creator is in us. This condition is called Gmar Tikkun—final correction. We must achieve it.

It is attained in a ten by both men and women. There is no need to look for anything when everything is in one direction. You will see how many different states you will go through; it is simply incomprehensible to the mind, although it is only about desire and fulfillment. Filling affects desire, and desire reacts to filling. There is nothing else!

Look at what is happening in our world: millions of colors, sounds, billions of people, and a variety of inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature. And all this comes from only two parameters: the desire to receive and the desire to fill, to give pleasure.

Therefore, there is no need to look for anything else. You will see that this gives you a lot of sensations along the way! You will be amazed at how many states we can gather from all this.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
Path to Final Correction
Final Correction
The Way To The Final Correction

The “Common Binoculars” of the Ten

947This is similar to ten people standing and looking at an airplane flying from afar. To the onlookers, the plane seems like a tiny dot. But some of the people have binoculars that magnify the plane several times in size. However, each of them has a different set of binoculars—one has binoculars that magnify significantly, and for another, it magnifies less.

It follows that one sees the plane as four meters long, another says it is three, and yet another says it is only two meters long. They are all reporting what they are actually seeing, but still there are differences between them. Yet, the differences make no change in the plane itself, for all the changes are only in the eyes of the perceivers (Rabash, Letter No. 19).

Question: How can we discern the forms of spiritual connection between us through the “common binoculars” of the ten?

Answer: Because we are oriented in different directions, we cannot consider the common binoculars of the ten.  In order to obtain “common binoculars,” we must combine our visions and hearts toward one goal. And then we will see the Creator.

Question: Rabash writes that names (Partzufim) appear only in relation to the person who attains. How can we see something spiritual together since this is a personal experience?

Answer: It will come.

Question: Is it right for us to discuss at least something elementary? For example, how do we feel the importance of the goal in the ten or the level of connection?

Answer: Sure, discuss it.
From the 1st part of the the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/5/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 19

Related Material:
The Ten—A Device For Revealing The Creator
The Ten Is The Violin Of The Creator
A Group Of Ten As A Tool For Adhesion

What Is the Correct Intention?

275Question: What is the correct intention that the light of the Creator will enter into?

Answer: The correct intention is to make an effort to do a good deed to bring souls closer to each other so that the Creator can reveal Himself in them and they can feel the pleasure that He can dwell within them.

The correct intention is to unite our desires so that the Creator can fulfill them.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
The Role of Intention in the Work for the Creator
Intention Is Action
The Main Thing Is Intention

Turn Your Heart to the Creator!

237Question: I feel that I cannot cope with my ego! Should I tell my friends about it or keep it to myself?

Answer: That you cannot cope is clear. But don’t look to discuss these issues with your friends as they have their problems. Instead, seek connection with the Creator.

Be wholeheartedly connected with your friends and at the same time turn your heart toward the Creator.

There is no need to involve your friends because you are in one state and each of them is in a different one. The most important thing is to seek connection with the Creator, and based on your connection with the group.

Question: So should I pretend that I am in a good mood?

Answer: Of course, always keep your friends in good spirits. Especially when you are in a low state.
From the Kabbalah Lesson 2/16/20, “Questions and Answers”

Related Material:
Taking Care of the Friends
Caring For Friends Means Caring For Your Correction
How Can You Help A Friend?