The Role of Intention in the Work for the Creator

528.04At every step of the spiritual path, the main role is played by the intention to achieve the desire of the Creator.

It is possible to build the right intention through the fact that we connect with our friends, slowly begin to think about others, and thus come to a state where our thoughts and actions are focused on taking care of them. We ask the Creator to help us in this, and we thus achieve the quality of bestowal.

Question: If we are in the ten together scrutinizing the intention, should we not come to some kind of scrutiny of who has the right intention and who does not?

Answer: No, everyone scrutinizes their own intention.
From  the 1st psrt of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/25/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Measure of Repentance?“

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