Eternal Perfection

115Comment: You once said that students should listen to the teacher, follow his recommendations, and that if we could take this step, the spiritual field is already ready and a huge space will open up to us. And you said that you also listen to Rabash’s advice, as if he gives you something in real-time, and you, as though, overcome yourself.

My Response: Of course, after all the body has absolutely nothing to do with this.

These are the ten Sefirot that exist at the lowest level and are updated with their own Reshimo, with an information record. Therefore, it seems to you that the body is born, lives, and dies, is born, lives, and dies. Actually, the ten Sefirot change in this form.

A spiritual person is appreciated not by the low ten Sefirot, but by his altruistic ten Sefirot. In them he exists eternally, possesses and manages himself.

What does it mean that Rabash or Baal HaSulam died? Nobody dies. And in general, there is no death, just Reshimot that are renewed in us, and this is how we perceive their transformation. Therefore, contact with Baal HaSulam and Rabash remains as simple as it was before.

Comment: But you say that you, like your students, have to overcome what comes from Rabash. That is, you do not always agree with this…

My Response: Always disagree! And I must constantly change myself. And thank God that I feel it, understand it, comprehend it. and change.

My egoism never agrees with the spiritual, does it? Does not agree. Every minute it is updated and “against,” “against.” Every minute I correct it: “for,” “for.”

Question: So your work is absolutely identical to ours, even though you have understanding of the system?

Answer: Of course! And it is this way until the final correction.

But my work is performed in a larger volume of information, in the feeling of the system, in the feeling of this moving flow, interconnections.

It is a magnificent feeling! You live inside a system that breathes and controls everything. These are completely different states and forces.

A fusion of opposites happens when they connect and complement each other instead of an unbearable contradiction. And when a click happens, a correct grip between them, and from this state there is a feeling of perfection, a complementation of absolutely inconceivably opposite phenomena, characteristics, and qualities—this is spiritual ecstasy.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Universal Orgasm” 11/23/13

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