Along the Same Chain

577Question: Do you have students who were only briefly in contact with you and you invested something in them that should be revealed in the future?

Answer: No, it is impossible to do this from a brief contact. There is no way. A student has to be annulled to a certain extent before the teacher. He must desire to annul himself and try to do it. You cannot pick a person up from the street and direct certain energy at him through glowing yellow eyes in one gaze and he becomes a werewolf like in a movie. There is no such thing.

Question: But at the same time, you yourself did not understand what Rabash was doing with you. You did not know what proper annulment and all these things you are talking about were, did you?

Answer: I did not know, but, on the other hand, I was hoping that such work was going on. And unfortunately, I was not able to appreciate it. In the end, whatever happened happened.

And today’s contact is completely different when I, together with the group, sort of come to my teacher and ask him to help me work with them—and through them with the rest of the world—to continue our common mission. I turn to him; on one hand I am connected with the group, and on the other hand, the group is connected with the world through our dissemination, and so on. That is, everything goes along the same chain.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call, The Fate of the Kabbalist” 11/2/09

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Annulment Of The Student Before The Teacher
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