A Strong Israel

963.6Question: Should our country [Israel] be strong?

Answer: It should take care of those of citizens who according to state regulations should live, exist, and be protected here.

We have no other land! We have no other place. We have no other country! We must have our own strong army and our place on this planet. And although everyone will encroach on it, we must tell everyone the truth to their face: “This is ours! It was, it is, and it will be.”

Question: Until when will there be such a position as you said?

Answer: Until the complete correction of human egoism on the whole planet.

Comment: But you are always talking about connection, about unity of people.

My Response: That is what we will do along the way.

Question: So this is how, by remaining such a strong encampment, a fortress, we will move toward unity of all mankind?

Answer: Only in this way! Only under this condition! Set an example and lead the way.

Comment: Are you not perplexed by the unification of two such poles? One pole is a strong, powerful state, ready to fight back against everyone, and so on, and on the other hand—unity and connection are such a warm state.

My Response: That is very correct. And precisely because it is a strong country.

Question: And we have to radiate this warmth one way or another?

Answer: Yes. Do not agree to any concessions!

Question: And if we say that we want to rely only on ourselves?

Answer: Yes. Isn’t that how it turns out?

Comment: But we do have help.

My Response: Yes, but we still rely on ourselves.

Question: Is this right?

Answer: We get help for all this, but we still hope to rely on forces that we have. We do not sign a contract with someone and after that we have a quiet rest.

Comment: You think that if some conditions come that we will be given help if, for example, we create two countries here…

My Response: No! It is all out of the question. Any compromises, agreements of this type are out of the question. We do not owe anyone anything, we do not have to, and we will not give it to anyone.

Question: And as a result, as you have already said, this state should radiate warmth, connection, and love for one’s neighbor?

Answer: Yes—to be a light for all nations of the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/3/22

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