Baal HaSulam’s Innovation

209Baal HaSulam wrote the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” in the language of Partzufim and Sefirot. Before him, practically no one had described Kabbalah in such volume.

By this, he shows us how our desires and the connection between desires and light develop. These are sensuous states, which he tried to explain in mathematical language.

One needs to understand the material very deeply and feel it in order to be able to depict it in such a physical and mathematical language.

Question: It is interesting that scientists do not study the works of Baal HaSulam at all. The Torah has been studied inside and out for thousands of years but not his works. Is it because this is something new? After all, he wrote his articles only 100 years ago.

Answer: The Ari began to use the language of Kabbalah even earlier in the 16th century.

Question: But in the Ari’s work this is very veiled, and not as open as in the case of Baal HaSulam. Do you think the time will come when people will be exploring this or will it stay like that?

Answer: I think that people will be exploring this from being alive, since we are in the transition from the concealed world to the world of revelation. Therefore people will feel like it is actually happening.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 8/13/23

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