New Life 83 – A Talk On Emergency Situations, Part 1

New Life 83 – A Talk On Emergency Situations, Part 1
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

Why is the nation of Israel considered by the world to be a special nation? What does this mean about the responsibility it has? How through workshops and sessions can we speed up what the nation of Israel must realize as soon as possible?

We are in a special time where the entire world is against us. The nations of the world have grouped together against us and now we have nowhere to run. Jews have been expelled before, but always someone has been willing to take us in. It seems that is no longer true.

We need to examine why Israel is so special. We need to look at our roots from the times of Abraham until today. The wisdom of Kabbalah is our foundation. We must learn it and discover it. It is calling us and inviting us to finally begin to use it. The time has come to understand the system of this reality, the cause and the process and the purpose of the world, and what special role we are destined to play in these times.

We need to tell everyone how special this group of people is with its purpose to bring everyone into one unified whole so that we will all come together as one man with one heart, for all the evil to turn into good. If Israel fails to fulfill this role, then accordingly these same forces that need to be balanced will instead act against them.

What is the wisdom of Kabbalah telling us? Abraham discovered the wisdom and explained in Babylon how to solve the crisis through unity and connection. Nimrod persecuted him, so he left with his thousands of followers. Over time, this group of Kabbalists began to call itself the nation of Israel—Yashar-El, directed toward the Creator, toward bestowal, toward love of others.

We find ourselves today in the same crisis that existed in Babylon, and this plan demands to be fulfilled. All the nations are desperate and it is natural for them to blame us for everything that they are feeling.

We need to understand that the upper force is aiming us in this direction. We need to be a holy nation, a kingdom of priests. We need to aim toward the internal fulfillment of the connection between us. Once we ourselves have become connected and united, we can turn to the rest of the world to correct the human ego. We must not escape; instead we must fulfill our purpose.

We need to explain how we will be able to unite together in practice. We have experts who can take people through this process. We need to offer a series of practical actions in all kinds of forms for participants to feel how well it works. We read texts, talk about it, and try to put it into practice. Through film and theater skits, we can explain what a workshop is and show them how to behave. We can invite people to talk together in community centers where we present lots of different activities: short films, songs, games, activities for kids and the elderly—something for everyone. The important thing is the emotional participation. We explain the activities and then go out and do them.

In our unity we will experience a special advancement where we come away with a new viewpoint. We will learn together that unity and connection are truly in our nature. We will suddenly feel how close together we are and we will find this powerful internal force that is our salvation. This is the upper force, the force of love.
From KabTV’s “New Life 83 – A Talk On Emergency Situations” 10/15/12
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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