How Can We Feel the Teacher?

530Question: Do you try to glue the students to each other, to the group, so they do not constantly refer to you to solve some issues?

Answer: In no case do I ever lock the students in on myself, I do not play someone great, smart, or something else in front of them. I play the role of a methodologist in front of them.

I fixate them on each other because they can only solve all problems between them. They must unite, and according to my method, by collectively connecting to me, they absorb the upper light.

Question: But without contact with you, the group does not work no matter how ideal it may be?

Answer: No, that is not true. The teacher may not be in this world; it does not matter. If the disciples gather, they will feel me and the other Kabbalists who are higher than me inside them.

Question: How do we sense it? Suppose the physical greatness of a teacher is one thing.

Answer: We are not talking about physical greatness at all. What does it mean to physically look at a person? Who is he? He is a piece of flesh like everyone else.

A teacher is a conduit of the upper light to his students and that is all.

Question: Let’s say a group comes together and senses the teacher who is no longer in this world. What is the indicator that they feel it correctly?

Answer: If the students unite, then because of their connection they will feel me without guessing on a crystal ball or on something else.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to become a guru?” 9/8/12

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