The Request Is Always The Same!

236.01Question: Do we ask the Creator for different things every time or should we eventually come to one universal formula?

Answer: Practically our request is always the same. But since it comes from new conditions because our desire and intention change each time, it seems to us that we are in different circumstances all the time. Yet the request always remains the same: to unite. And its result should be the same.

In fact, the wisdom of Kabbalah is a very simple wisdom; there is nothing complicated about it. There is creation, the Creator, and a method to bring them closer to each other. But since we participate in this with our feelings and intentions, whole tragedies are played out in us. So, it will not be easy. This is the beauty of spiritual development.

Question: Do we have to constantly be in such connection with the friends and constantly search for this formula?

Answer: Constantly. We talk about it all the time and act on it.

Comment: But some of the friends periodically fall out of connection.

My Response: You must make sure that they do not fall out. Hold them all the time and each time start with a roll call: who is present, who is not present, why not, and so on. Your spiritual future depends on this.

Question: Is this the perfect prayer even without their participation?

Answer: You will not be able to do anything without them. Therefore, even egoistically, you should take care of their participation for your advancement.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/9/22, “Asking the Creator to Fill the Place Between Us”  Lesson 7

Related Material:
Uniting And Becoming One Spiritual Heart
Uniting Desires
Struggling To Unite Opposites

“How Do You Deal With Negativity Coming Your Way And Your Own Feelings Of Negativity?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: How do you deal with negativity coming your way and your own feelings of negativity?

Every one of our negative feelings is the outcome of torn positive connections that we once had. That is why we can fix anything negative in our life by correcting our connections to each other.

If we take steps toward positively connecting with each other instead of letting our divisive drives take hold of us, then our every negative feeling will flip to become positive. We will then find ourselves in a world of love, kindness and care instead of a world of increasing pain, suffering and emptiness.

Since we are different, we are stronger united and weaker divided. When we apply unity above our differences, then our differences complement each other and we function as a single whole. When we are divided, then our differences weaken us. We should thus focus not on making everyone the same, but on placing an umbrella of unity over all of our differences. By doing so, we would discover a new world filled with blossoming positive attitudes of connection and love above our divisive drives. That is the key to successfully dealing with negativity, and it ultimately leads to a harmonious and peaceful society.

Based on the Writers Meeting with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on February 20, 2022.

Start From Scratch

232.03Question: What was the first thing the Creator created before the shattering? You said that before the shattering, the desire was not egoistic. So what quality did it have before the shattering?

Answer: Before the shattering, there was the quality of reception, which was completely under the control of the intention to bestow at the level of Bina. This is called that Adam was in the Garden of Eden.

Then a desire was added that belongs to the quality of Hochma, to the light of Hochma. That is why a shattering occurred when not only a part of the Kli (vessel) that belongs to receiving for the sake of bestowal, but also to bestowal for the sake of bestowal, was broken. Thus, we have to start our work from scratch.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/6/22, “Approaching the Creator Through the Network of Connections Between Us” Lesson 1

Related Material:
Rising To The Initial State
The Purpose Of Breaking A Single Desire
First Steps In Spirituality

The Most Beautiful Request

558Question: How can we learn to be in mutual guarantee with joy? Every time I try to think about it, the body starts to find different tricks. Egoism shouts: “Anything but mutual guarantee!”

Answer: The body is correct, it does not want it. What should you do? You should be seriously concerned about this and literally try from morning to evening to be in an internal intention, in yearning for the friends, and you should ask for it. By coming closer to them, you will reveal the Creator. Otherwise, you will remain a small animal.

Question: How can we ask the Creator for what He wants to give without setting conditions for Him?

Answer: If you ask for connection from which you will be able to turn to the Creator to ask that He unite and fill you, this is the most beautiful request that He is waiting for.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/9/22, “Asking the Creator to Fill the Place Between Us” Lesson 7

Related Material:
To Absolute Connection
What To Ask The Creator
The Method Of Good Connection

Don’t Wait For Approval From Above

528.01Question: How can one determine that personal influence on the ten in mutual guarantee gives them spiritual growth? How can I evaluate my actions?

Answer: First, I must act regardless of what I see. It is not what I see that matters, but how I can actually influence my friends.

If I see the results of my influence, then maybe it would be like a reward for my efforts instead of spiritual ascent. Therefore, it is better not to see, but to act, as they say, in the dark. Do not wait for a positive reaction or for some kind of approval from above.

It is best if we make efforts purposefully in one direction. Then you will see how you begin to receive in the quality of bestowal, in the quality of faith above reason. That is, you will work and you will have even more opportunities and strength to act.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/9/22, “Working in Mutual Responsibility” Lesson 6

Related Material:
Fulfilling The Principle Of Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee
Mutual Guarantee Is What Love Really Is

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 2/27/22

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “The Connection of Humanity”

[media 3] [media 4]

Selected Highlights

[media 5] [media 6]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 2/26/22

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How Can I Redirect My Heart To The Purpose Of Creation?

632.2Question: I often find myself in a state where I have evil thoughts and desires. How can I redirect my heart again and again to the purpose of creation? It is getting harder and harder, it is a struggle for me.

Answer: Naturally, it is a struggle. There are two reasons for this: either it is an ascent to a higher degree or more likely the connection between friends is getting weaker. This is also a result of ascending to the next degree.

Strengthen the connection in the group and you will see how everything becomes easy, free, and joyful.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/6/22, “Approaching the Creator Through the Network of Connections Between Us” Lesson 1

Related Material:
Everything Depends On The Importance
Overcome Yourself by Raising the Importance of the Goal
The Importance Of Prayer

When Will Fear Disappear?

294.1Comment: We live in fear all the time, in fear about what others say, that we will be fired, that we will be put in jail, that the bank will close, that we will get sick, that we will be deceived, that we will be underpaid, that we will overpay, that I will offend someone, that I will be offended, and there are fears for the future and fear in the present. This is our life. Why is it arranged this way?

My Response: To stir you up a little. You are all egoists. Just give you some slack and that’s it, you’re already lying and sunbathing, or on the couch, or on the river, or on the sea.

Question: So fear is the most effective thing to stir up a person?

Answer: There is no other way.

Question: What is afraid in me?

Answer: That I will not receive enough of something. From the smallest to some of the largest fillings.

Question: How can one overcome this fear?

Answer: Relax. Let the river of life flow freely through you.

The upper force governs everything. So the more you give yourself to it and get closer to it, the more you want to feel its governance, its flow, its plan, and its goal, you will completely get rid of your vain problems.

The closer you are to it, the more you relax because you give yourself to its flow. But it is necessary to make efforts to somehow connect with this flow.

Meaning that there is such a scenario and such a program to explain why we are moved by fear. And you have to gradually make it so that all these fears somehow decrease and disappear. Transfer all these fears to their source: the Creator. It is all from Him. He does this on purpose so that you turn to Him so that all fears would turn into the opposite, into pleasure and agreement.

Question: What should my appeal to Him be?

Answer: “Make it so that I perceive everything as coming from You and therefore as kind, good, and eternal.” That is all.

Question: And that’s it? And there are no fears?

Answer: There is nothing.

Question: Is there fear in spirituality?

Answer: The fear in spirituality is different. It comes from the fact that you are not doing what you can. In fact, you can rise above all obstacles, take them all to their source, the Creator, and thus get rid of all thoughts and desires that hinder you, and dissolve in Him.

Question: Is this fear in spirituality?

Answer: Yes. That is, do not rush and do not jerk. Simply dissolve as much as possible in the upper force through the method of equivalence. Here is where the work begins, hard work on yourself. But in general, there are no fears.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/28/21

Related Material:
Fear—Agent Of Development
Does Fear Help Self-Understanding?
How To Get Rid Of Fears In Life?

Foresight Is A Feature Of Souls

197.01Question: Why are some people given the opportunity to see the future? Is this some kind of programming error in nature?

Answer: No. Kabbalists have the possibility of foresight, according to the source of their soul. But I don’t think one should envy this property. There is nothing good in this. A person is simply given the duty to properly control himself and lead other people.

Comment: But not only Kabbalists are predictors of the future, for example, Wolf Messing and Nostradamus did.

My Response: Their abilities should be considered not from the point of view of Kabbalah, but from the point of view of the psychological perception of the world.

This is also a peculiarity of souls when they are given the opportunity to rise above physical reality and begin to feel the forces that draw this reality for us and can draw another one.

We exist in space, and everything that appears before us is the forces of nature. There is nothing material in the fact that we are here and now, that we feel that something exists around us, that we interact with each other, and so on. These are all the forces of nature that create this picture for us.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 12/21/21

Related Material:
Predictors And Kabbalists
Don’t Believe! Check It Out!
Is There Kabbalistic Astrology?