Struggling To Unite Opposites

author A question I received: You said that we need to study The Zohar with others in order to try to unify all of the points in the heart. But it is very difficult for me to make this connection because The Zohar feels very personal, like something inside of me, so how can I connect it together with other souls?

My Answer: It is true that one needs to think about uniting with others, that a person needs to exit from inside oneself, to be in the right line, in bestowal. But the left line is my personal search for what The Book of Zohar talks about, a search for all these qualities inside me.

These two lines do not intersect; the right one is exiting from inside oneself, and the left one is self-exploration. The right line is the entire world outside me, and I am simply the initial point of the soul, while the left line is the entire world inside of me and there is nothing else – only me. These two lines can only be connected by the Upper Light that surrounds us, but until this happens we see that it’s impossible. However, we still have to try to combine them and wait for this union to come from Above.

This contradiction will continue to grow more and more; everyone will feel it to the full degree. We will pass through many states; sometimes we will be successful, but other times we will not succeed. Sometimes we will think of unity, and other times we will only think about our own impressions as we begin to feel the entire universe inside us. I read The Zohar, forgetting about the others, only feeling how it resonates inside me, without any connection to the others. We need to pass through both of these opposite states until a third element comes and connects the two together; it is called the Creator, the middle line that clothes in a person.

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