We Won’t Want To Live – We Won’t Have The Strength To Die…

761.1In the News (United Nations): “Humanity is ‘waging a war on nature’, threatening biodiversity loss, climate disruption and escalating pollution, the UN chief said on Friday.

“‘We will all be losers if we don’t achieve peace with the planet’, Secretary-General António Guterres told a webinar ahead of the International Day for Biological Diversity…

“He said one million species are at risk of extinction; ecosystems are disappearing “before our eyes”; deserts are spreading, and wetlands are being lost.

“Every year, 10 million hectares of forests are lost, oceans are overfished and ‘choking with plastic waste’ as the carbon dioxide they absorb is acidifying the seas, bleaching and killing coral reefs, he added. …

“‘We are depleting resources faster than nature can replenish them’, the UN chief continued. …

“’Three-quarters of new and emerging human infectious diseases are zoonotic’, jumping from animals to humans, and against this backdrop, the UN chief said that tackling the current COVID-19 crisis provides an opportunity to recover better.”

Question: What would you say? If we don’t make peace with the planet, then what?

Answer: The planet will spew us out, squeeze us out. It will make us defective, miserable, sickly, and pathogenic.

Question: Can there be an end to the earthly species?

Answer: No. Until we move to another dimension, nothing can happen.

Question: Will only a few of us remain, but we will nonetheless be compelled to conclude an agreement with nature?

Answer: I don’t even know if there will be a few left, but we will remain with such a life that death is better. No one will want to live and there will be no strength to die.

Question: What does it mean to “make an agreement with nature”?

Answer: It is to rise above our egoism. Because it is only our egoism that actually destroys nature. If we were like inanimate, animate, and vegetative nature, then everything would be fine. We would live in a normal ecosystem, we would not violate it.

Question: Because we could not violate it? Do we exist in this law?

Answer: Yes. And now we rise above it and destroy what must exist.

Question: His conclusion: since we are invading the habitats of wild animals, then there are all sorts of epidemics, is it wrong?

Answer: We are invading the habitats of not only wild animals, but also inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature. We have no right to interfere in it! We must be like it on our earthly level.

Question: How would we use it then?

Answer: Only to the extent it is necessary for our existence! Not one iota more!

Question: Does it exist for us to communicate with it this way? Would this raise us above egoism to the level of “man”?

Answer: Yes. We don’t need anything else.

Comment: And all infectious diseases, all troubles, and all illnesses…

My Response: This would never have happened!

Question: Is this a response to the violence?

Answer: Yes, because we trigger them.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/31/21

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How To Be Reborn Every Moment


The Power of Childish Thinking 

One of the most tenacious myths about how Einstein discovered is that he relied on adopting a naive, simple mode of thinking. This mode authorized Einstein to discount and ignore all the difficult technicalities of the existing literature, whose distracting complexities, we are to suppose, block progress. The way ahead is to adopt the mode of a precocious child asking childish questions. Einstein himself seems to have advanced this myth in part through self-deprecating remarks. Here is how one such remark is related, third-hand, by one of Einstein’s biographers: One of Einstein’s typical remarks was reported to me from Falmouth, Massachusetts by James Franck … 

‘‘When I asked myself,’’ Einstein said to Franck, ‘‘how it happened that I in particular discovered the relativity theory, it seemed to lie in the following circumstance. The normal adult never bothers his head about space-time problems. Everything there is to be thought about it, in his opinion, has already been done in early childhood. I, on the contrary, developed so slowly that I only began to wonder about space and time when I was already grown up. In consequence I probed deeper into the problem than an ordinary child would have done (John D. Norton, How Einstein Did Not Discover).

This is correct. You don’t have to make yourself ignorant, you have to be naive.

Question: How do you erase knowledge that already exists in you? The knowledge exists and somehow I have to take it and remove it in this moment, as if I don’t know?

Answer: I don’t know anything. Actually! I say this absolutely frankly. I feel empty anew every minute.

Question: Why? You have been studying the science of Kabbalah for 40 years.

Answer: This is such a science that it denies itself. It crosses out everything you knew before so that you can take the next step. But the next step is not after the previous one, but instead of the previous one. They don’t add up together. In the spiritual, everything is built on denial.

Question: So I go and go, I am at some stage, and suddenly it completely disappears?

Answer: I start all over again. It’s fine! In fact, this is most correct. It is like I’m being reborn. Doesn’t the child open his eyes even wider?

I don’t feel tired. I am ready every day, every lesson, every morning to start all over again, to be reborn.

Question: And when does a person feel tired?

Answer: If he doesn’t have the excitement of new desires, new questions, then, of course, he can no longer reveal the child in himself, and then he is already an old man.

Question: Is this moving toward death?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say that eternal life is possible, are you talking about these constant updates?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When is constant updating possible, in what circumstances?

Answer: Always. It does not depend on the body. This is a desire, it does not depend on the body.

Question: So you have to start over all the time? Updating constantly?

Answer: Yes. And that’s great!

Question: What would you say to an ordinary person who does not study Kabbalah?

Answer: Nothing. Find yourself a hobby and keep going.

Question: And rejoice at new discoveries all the time?

Answer: Yes. Just like my teacher said about the soccer stadium that this place must be respected, it gives pleasure to many people.

He had never been there, had never seen inside, but he knew that there was a game that 100,000 or 200,000 people were watching at the same time and were enjoying life. Joy comes from the Creator, so he rejoices for them that they receive pleasure from the Creator. They do not curse Him at this time. Therefore, this place must be respected.

Comment: The biographer wrote, “One of the most tenacious myths about how Einstein discovered is that he relied on adopting a naive, simple mode of thinking. …The way ahead is to adopt the mode of a precocious child asking childish questions.”

My Response: A person who feels in any state that this is a state of the question, he does not stop at this, he looks for his own answer to it. And he makes a discovery.

All of this alone consists of questions and answers.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/15/21

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Expand The Scope Of Sensations

537Question: Today, physicists say that all reality is not matter, but information. We live in some kind of world and everything that exists brings us certain information. It is dressed in various garments, that is, in what we see around us. Why did the Creator create everything like this? Is it possible to see any information directly?

Answer: We see in our world that that is impossible. If we want to feel something, then any of our sensations consists of two opposite properties: sensing and what is felt. Therefore, the Creator created us as the opposite of Himself, so that we could feel Him, comprehend, and understand.

Question: The laws of nature do not depend on the observer; they are, as it were, unchangeable. And yet, if we change our internal properties, do we feel the laws of nature differently? Then even they change?

Answer: Of course, they change. What we feel, we feel in ourselves. If we change internally, then we feel that everything around us changes.

Question: The laws do not change regarding my natural egoism, but by changing my work with egoism, can I feel the laws of nature in a different way?

Answer: Absolutely. I kind of go beyond these laws. There is a realization of the true theory of relativity: everything is relative to a person.

Question: Do you mean about the egoist who perceives the world with five senses?

Answer: And above that. Five senses are not enough for us. In them, we feel only our world, and these are animal sensations. But rising above this, we begin to feel the above-egoism properties of bestowal. In them we feel the changing higher state of the world. This is perceived above our animal senses.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 7/2/21

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Kabbalistic Approach To Perceiving The Reality
Illusion And Reality
Egoism Is The Basis Of Matter

Put Yourself Under The Influence Of The Upper Power

962.7Question: There is a thin line between habits in our material world when a person simply changes priorities and the state where a person consciously changes his nature and sees the whole world and all people no longer through his egoistic prism but through an altruistic intention and thus attains the spiritual world.

That is, a person still begins the spiritual path from his egoistic attainment of the Creator when he wants to reveal Him for himself. But then, does it become a habit and his second nature to see the world through altruistic intentions?

Answer: Yes. This habit really becomes his second essence, second nature, and that is what he does.

Question: It turns out that he can no longer go back and think egoistically?

Answer: I cannot say that. There are different possibilities. But to be in one nature, then in another, and sometimes fall back into the first nature is also possible.

It all depends on how much he exposes himself to the upper force that holds him like a magnet holds a piece of iron in the air. Iron is suspended in the air by the force of the magnet and is held by it. In the same way, a person can make it so that the highest positive force of nature, which gives him an anti-egoistic potential, will keep him above the earth, above his egoism.

Question: Just as the Creator has no thoughts about Himself, does a person who acquires a second nature also have no thoughts about himself?

Answer: To the extent that he received this force from the Creator.

Question: What does it mean that the Creator has no thoughts about Himself?

Answer: The Creator is nature that is absolutely opposite to our egoistic nature. Since He has no desire to receive, His whole essence is aimed at bestowal. That is how He works.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 6/25/21

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Build Your Spiritual Self Above The Corporeal Self
A Good Habit: Desire To Bestow
If There Is No Answer, The Request Was False

The Impact Of The Sources And Of The Right Environment

260Question: If a person automatically gets used to reading, say, The Book of Zohar or Psalms, or praying, does this develop him?

Answer: Yes. If he engages in it all the time, then either The Book of Zohar or any other correct sources begin to influence him, and we see how he changes.

This, in principle, is their value. Where else can we receive the upper force, the upper energy, the upper influence on us? We must draw them to us.

The influence of the upper force comes precisely as a result of learning, reading, studying the sources, and most importantly being in a special society, in a special small group—the ten—that can organize a suitable environment for a person when he simply falls under their influence and is ready to change. And even if he is not really ready, they still change him.

Question: Do you recommend reading from the sources in the ten two or three times a day so that it becomes a habit?

Answer: Yes. But that is not everything. After all, the reading of the sources often happens one-on-one: you and the source. And when there is you and the environment around you, that is, not the still, vegetative, and animate, but human, special people who show you the right relationships and demand the same from you, then it turns out that you are pulling yourself up to spiritual levels.

Question: Many people are taught from childhood to pray, to read psalms, and a person automatically reads them because he was told that he will receive some kind of reward for this both in this and in the future world.

And if he is not accustomed to this from childhood, then he begins to ask the question: “Why should I read?” Since he does not feel pleasure in these texts and does not understand them. How can a person develop a habit here? Or does the habit consist of efforts? You once said that making an effort becomes a habit.

Answer: Relatively. It all depends on the society. The most important thing is to create the right environment for any person, for any companies, societies, and people, so that everyone can find the environment in which they can develop correctly.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 6/25/21

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/25/21

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Entry Into the Spiritual Degree”

[media 3] [media 4]

Lesson on the Topic “Introduction to The Book of Zohar, Item 63″

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights

[media 7] [media 8]