Lazy People Make The World Go Round

565.02Question: Some scientists say that when we are bored, the brain goes into a mode of operation where it can connect events or ideas that would never have come together if we were not bored, and that this fosters creativity.

If Newton hadn’t been locked up by the plague, if he hadn’t been so bored, he probably would not have had time to watch an apple fall and create his own law of universal gravitation. Out of boredom, Einstein tied together the concepts of time and space. And so on.

When we are bored, we dream. We are, as it were, cut off from the real rational world and this allows us to connect things that seemed impossible to connect. What do you think about this paradox?

Answer: It is good to be bored, I have no doubt. In general, the world moves thanks to lazy people. That is what is paradoxical.

Lazy people move the world ahead. Because they have nothing to do, they are not burdened with anything, they are not pressured, and if they are pressured, there is little sense. And that is why they are very good at coming up with such ideas and generally doing everything the way they want for the sake of boredom.

Question: Thus, boredom makes us actually build a brighter world?

Answer: Yes, because we are building it not based on our egoistic needs, but really just out of boredom.

If we did everything like that, can you imagine what would have happened? We would never invent any bombs or anything that would harm us.

Because out of boredom you would do something easy that would support humanity.

Question: And would there be enough food for humanity?

Answer: Of course!

Question: That is, in principle, do you think that a lazy person could invent such means of production that everything would be enough for everyone?

Answer: Lie on the sofa (be a couch potato) and everything is fine.

Question: Do you know how many people disagree with you?

Answer: They will not agree because they drove themselves into such a physical world where everything depends on rigid egoistic connections with each other. Where everything is built not on helping each other, but on interfering with each other. And these frictions, impossibilities, and misunderstandings create such hindrances in relations between us that we probably spend 99% of our efforts overcoming frictions. And this process makes no sense.

Question: Is that why there is hard work, hard labor?

Answer: Of course. Therefore, there is a curse in the Torah: “In the sweat of your brow you will earn your bread.” Why? Because you will wade through selfishness.

And if you had not awakened this power, it was said to the so-called first man, then you would have lived in paradise.

Therefore, I very much welcome the new generation, because this is indeed a generation of lazy people. They don’t want anything! “You give me a slice of pizza, a glass of cola, and my phone.” And that’s all. How much does a person need? See how easy it is? And everything else is inside, in it.

Question: Is there a whole world in it? And really worthy of respect?

Answer: This is a world built on connections. Of course, the connections are shallow. But still, they will provide an opportunity to be connected at high levels. I’m sure it will.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 6/10/21

Related Material:
The World Needs Lazy People
Useful Laziness
Why Are People Lazy?

Neither Me For You Nor You For Me

550Question: When the Creator wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham tried to protect them. What is this relationship that is called Sodomite rule: mine is mine and yours is yours?

Answer: Mine is mine and yours is yours, is an absolutely anti-altruistic relationship, although it is not a crime, there is not a quality of egoism in its true, vivid form.

However, with such a relationship, I cannot correct anything. Therefore, this quality is indicated in the Torah as very opposite to the Creator and as necessary to get rid.

Question: But for our egoism is this the most comfortable state?

Answer: No, it is not comfortable for egoism because you do not take from the other. You say: “Yours is yours, mine is mine.” I am not touching you, you are not touching me.

Comment: Then we would exist without wars, without any conflicts.

My response: But it is precisely due to the fact that such a state is a complete dead-end, not me for you nor you for me;  we are not together in any way. Thus to remain in this state means no correction at all. Therefore, this tool is not ready for achieving the goal. After all, the purpose of creation is to unite everyone.

The quality of Sodom in a person is opposite to the plan of creation. Therefore, the Creator destroyed these cities.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 6/11/21

Related Material:
New Life 185 – Sodom And Gomorrah
Is Sodom That Bad For The Will To Receive?
Why Was The City Of Sodom Destroyed?

Will Millennials Save Us?

627.2Comment: Millennials are those who were born from 1982 to 2004. These are strong guys who are now under 40. They have already experienced the crisis of 2008, they are now experiencing a pandemic, and it is not yet known what they will experience next.

Demographers compare them to the Great Generation. The great generation is the generation that lived in the 20s and 30s, survived the great depression and, most importantly, survived the Spanish flu. And this generation managed to build America, restore Europe.

Now they say that the millennial generation can be similar to the previous one and that it will be able to build a new economy and turn the world around in a new way.

What do you think of this generation, these strong forty-year-olds?

My Response: I don’t see that they are in a quest, in struggle, in eagerness. They have a very pragmatic view. They don’t look like revolutionaries to me. And why should they rush, do something, make some kind of revolution? What’s the matter?

Comment: They survived the 2008 crisis…

My Response: They lived through it while sitting at their computers. Nothing else.

Question: And a pandemic that stopped entire industries, destroyed entire industries?

Answer: I don’t think it’s that important or alarming for them.

Question: So what will turn the situation around? It can’t go on like that, can it?

Answer: No. There must be an awareness much deeper than a crisis —a dead end.

What did that generation do? It has practically revived industry, trade, and so on. It won’t do any good now. It won’t do anything. There is a huge trade turnover, industry, whatever you want.

Question: What does nature want from us?

Answer: Nature wants us to radically change, reflect on our life, on its meaning.

Question: So there should be a deeper understanding for this generation?

Answer: Yes. Why are we here, what are we doing? What will this pandemic bring us? Why does it come from the depths of nature? What pluses and minuses should it point out to us? None of it is there. I don’t see this anywhere: not among philosophers, psychologists, or politicians, no one has serious research or just thoughts on this topic.

A person should say: “It is wonderful that such an opportunity has arisen to change myself, the system, humanity, the direction of industry, trade, education, and upbringing! We will reconsider everything that is in the world today!” In general, the questions: “What do we live for? Where are we going?” We need to understand what we are today and what we should be tomorrow.

Why should we cry today?! What have we freed ourselves from? We just need to take advantage of this moment and do something about ourselves—all people! Because we are all in a crisis; it is universal. The crisis is global. This crisis is a crisis of human development, of egoistic human development.

Question: Can a person understand this? Turn the thinking around just like that, can he?

Answer: Explain to him what is happening globally with humanity, and I think that everyone will agree with this except for those who do not benefit from it.

Question: Why is there no understanding of it yet?

Answer: Humanity has no way of seeing ahead. Because what is available today, always suits it.

Question: You contradict yourself. Then who will push this situation forward? Who will say first: “Look,” and have people look? Everything has its own “father.” In Singapore, there was a “father” who turned everything around. In America, they began to turn around during the Depression. And so on.

Everywhere there are their own presidents, their own revolutionaries. Who’s going to say the whole thing now? To whom is your appeal? Who are you talking to?

Answer: I do not know to whom to appeal. We don’t have anyone like Einstein or Marx. I personally say what I can. He who hears, hears.

Question: If someone hears, you are ready to sit down and for days, as long as necessary, to talk to him, to explain?

Answer: I am ready not only to talk to such a person, but to work with him in general.

Question: And work as much as necessary, explaining to him the whole system, the whole nature, and where it leads us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/29/21

Related Material:
Will The End Of The World Come?
Generations X, Y, and Z, Part 1
The End Of Human Development Or A New Beginning?

How Can We Tune Ourselves Correctly To The Spiritual World?

938.07Question: Our group is being formed now. How can we tune the group correctly to the spiritual world?

Answer: If you connect to each other so that no one in the group is superior to others, but the group is one common whole, you will begin to feel the Creator in the center of the group.

When the ego is connected correctly, it will be your assistant, your best friend. This is how everything is arranged.

There is no evil in the world! Everything depends only on how we use these attributes correctly.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah” 4/7/19

Related Material:
Becoming One System
How Can We Awaken The Creator?
“Seek The Lord Where He Is”

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/4/21

Preparation to the Lesson

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Lesson on the Topic “Kabbalists’ Meal”

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Selected Highlights

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