Will Millennials Save Us?

627.2Comment: Millennials are those who were born from 1982 to 2004. These are strong guys who are now under 40. They have already experienced the crisis of 2008, they are now experiencing a pandemic, and it is not yet known what they will experience next.

Demographers compare them to the Great Generation. The great generation is the generation that lived in the 20s and 30s, survived the great depression and, most importantly, survived the Spanish flu. And this generation managed to build America, restore Europe.

Now they say that the millennial generation can be similar to the previous one and that it will be able to build a new economy and turn the world around in a new way.

What do you think of this generation, these strong forty-year-olds?

My Response: I don’t see that they are in a quest, in struggle, in eagerness. They have a very pragmatic view. They don’t look like revolutionaries to me. And why should they rush, do something, make some kind of revolution? What’s the matter?

Comment: They survived the 2008 crisis…

My Response: They lived through it while sitting at their computers. Nothing else.

Question: And a pandemic that stopped entire industries, destroyed entire industries?

Answer: I don’t think it’s that important or alarming for them.

Question: So what will turn the situation around? It can’t go on like that, can it?

Answer: No. There must be an awareness much deeper than a crisis —a dead end.

What did that generation do? It has practically revived industry, trade, and so on. It won’t do any good now. It won’t do anything. There is a huge trade turnover, industry, whatever you want.

Question: What does nature want from us?

Answer: Nature wants us to radically change, reflect on our life, on its meaning.

Question: So there should be a deeper understanding for this generation?

Answer: Yes. Why are we here, what are we doing? What will this pandemic bring us? Why does it come from the depths of nature? What pluses and minuses should it point out to us? None of it is there. I don’t see this anywhere: not among philosophers, psychologists, or politicians, no one has serious research or just thoughts on this topic.

A person should say: “It is wonderful that such an opportunity has arisen to change myself, the system, humanity, the direction of industry, trade, education, and upbringing! We will reconsider everything that is in the world today!” In general, the questions: “What do we live for? Where are we going?” We need to understand what we are today and what we should be tomorrow.

Why should we cry today?! What have we freed ourselves from? We just need to take advantage of this moment and do something about ourselves—all people! Because we are all in a crisis; it is universal. The crisis is global. This crisis is a crisis of human development, of egoistic human development.

Question: Can a person understand this? Turn the thinking around just like that, can he?

Answer: Explain to him what is happening globally with humanity, and I think that everyone will agree with this except for those who do not benefit from it.

Question: Why is there no understanding of it yet?

Answer: Humanity has no way of seeing ahead. Because what is available today, always suits it.

Question: You contradict yourself. Then who will push this situation forward? Who will say first: “Look,” and have people look? Everything has its own “father.” In Singapore, there was a “father” who turned everything around. In America, they began to turn around during the Depression. And so on.

Everywhere there are their own presidents, their own revolutionaries. Who’s going to say the whole thing now? To whom is your appeal? Who are you talking to?

Answer: I do not know to whom to appeal. We don’t have anyone like Einstein or Marx. I personally say what I can. He who hears, hears.

Question: If someone hears, you are ready to sit down and for days, as long as necessary, to talk to him, to explain?

Answer: I am ready not only to talk to such a person, but to work with him in general.

Question: And work as much as necessary, explaining to him the whole system, the whole nature, and where it leads us?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/29/21

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