Could There Be Too Much Knowledge?

182.02Question: There are people who want to learn as much as possible. Can a person gain too much knowledge?

Answer: Unfortunately, often a person fills himself with rubbish, the so-called Klipot. In general, this is unnecessary knowledge that hinders because we are very weak in perceiving and processing information and in making decisions.

Therefore, it is worth limiting ourselves to some clear area or to sensory information cloud in which we could properly develop.

Question: It is said: “He who increases knowledge increases pain.” What does it mean?

Answer: This can be considered from two points of view. One, I am trying to acquire knowledge that I absolutely do not need, and then I just get confused in it and distract myself with something unnecessary. Or I acquire knowledge that brings me pain, but this pain directs me to search for truth and happiness.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 12/7/20

Related Material:
Why Do I Need So Much Knowledge?
Attainment That Brings Happiness
Study Kabbalah And It Will Explain Everything To You

Try It And See For Yourself

120Question: A person can get closer to others only if he sees a benefit in it for himself. Of course, the spiritual gain is even greater: revealing the upper force or entering another level of existence. Can anything else motivate him?

Answer: The society can help him by directing him correctly toward the goal.

Question: Perhaps it would suffice to tell him that he would have a good life and that it would be worth it?

Answer: No one will believe that. A person can start to feel this in the right type of society. Only this way, would he be able to set himself up for a relationship based on connection and brotherhood with others, even to the point of love. Then he could truly start to feel the new level of existence.

Comment: It is puzzling that we are willing to die for some future life but not to unite with others for the sake of this future life.

My Response: Because we do not believe or feel that it is possible. No one is offering the perspective that nature has this in store for us.

Comment: Today, everyone from politicians to philosophers talks about unification and mutual guarantee.

My Response: They just talk, no one tries to prove it.

Comment: An interesting thing is that no one has proven that there is a God or that we go to heaven, but people still believe these things.

My Response: It is their business what they believe. It is pointless to try to prove anything to them since everyone goes along with their egoistic nature. One builds his own world according to it and experiences various problems. Suddenly the science of Kabbalah enters and says, “You can solve this problem by rising above the world that you created.”

Comment: But people do not buy into it.

My Response: You should not believe anything! Try it and see for yourself! That is the only way it works.

When you try it with your friends in the group, you begin to see that it works and that this is the only way we will be able to exist in nature; first in a small environment and then in larger and larger ones. You influence each other and perform actions that evoke the upper light. It changes you and you become a different person.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/16/20

Related Material:
How To Believe In Life At A Different Level?
The Highest Value Of Connection
One God—Unity And Love

Love Is A Union

571.03Question: What convinces a person to accept the idea of universal equality? Although we are all different, equality means that love will cover all transgressions. What information should be given to a person in order for him to understand this?

Answer: Love will cover all transgressions is the law of nature to which we must advance. The sooner we do this, the sooner we will master the upper world and the highest state; we will achieve perfection, completeness, and the true sensation of where we are.

Comment: But if this is a law of nature, then let’s work with scientists.

My Response: No, the attainment of the highest state does not pertain to scientists because it occurs within a person as he changes his nature from egoistic to altruistic. This is not what earthly science does. It doesn’t have such tools.

Comment: Everyone can understand that the rejection between us is a sin, but grasping how to build love, based on this, is completely incomprehensible.

When you are specifically asked about a certain situation, how to act in it, it is impossible to explain it. You cannot tell someone how to cover rejection with love if he has one opinion and I have another.

My Response: The fact is that you cannot transform yourself in one movement. This requires constant training with friends in a group, in a small society, where you restore and simulate the spiritual law love your neighbor as yourself.

This is a long-term, educational, upbringing-type of process after which your perception of the world changes. Then, you can come to a state in which you are able to unite above all the varieties. Love is union.
From KabTV’s “”Communication Skills” 10/16/20

Related Material:
Love Is Nothing More Than Harmony, A Mutual Balance Of Plus And Minus
The Revival Of Love
Love As The Law Of Nature

Four Hypostases Of A Single Spiritual Root

631.3Question: There are four races: white—European, yellow—Asian, black—African, and red—the indigenous people of Latin America. What is the origin of human races? Does each race have a specific function?

Answer: No. The origin is in the spiritual world. They are in no way connected to our world, but they give their imprint, their effect in it.

Everything spiritual is under one single root: the four-letter name of the Creator. What does it mean? The Creator manifests itself in our world in four stages, in four hypostases. Therefore, four categories of all kinds descend from a common root into our world. For example: four seasons (winter, autumn, spring, summer), four human races, and so on.

Question: But are there any internal differences?

Answer: Of course there are. But they do not matter. If we want to connect to our spiritual root, then everyone rises to it. We have a common goal, and we can help each other in this common goal.

Moreover, our differences do not prevent us from uniting and achieving the common goal in which we are so connected that the unification remains and all physical, moral, and other differences disappear.

Question: It is not even worth going into what purpose each race has: some sing better, some reveal the laws of nature better, etc.?

Answer: These are mutual complements that will gradually begin to manifest more and more, and we will all admire and enjoy our diversity.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/14/20

Related Material:
Communication Problems: Xenophobia And Racism
Four Races And Four Phases Of Light
Overcome Prejudice

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/30/20

Preparation to the Lesson

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic of “Annulment and Submission”

[media 3] [media 4]

Lesson on the Topic of “The Law of Love in the System of Adam HaRishon” 

[media 5] [media 6]

Selected Highlights 

[media 7] [media 8]

Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/29/20

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My Thoughts On Twitter 12/29/20

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

The Creator turned Himself inside out—and thus created what is opposite to Him—egoism. We have to make ourselves, who are opposite to the Creator—similar to Him. This is how the Creator helps us, bringing forth qualities in us that are opposite to Him (the Ego) in the order of their proper, gradual correction.
From Twitter, 12/29/20

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My Thoughts On Twitter 12/24/20
My Thoughts On Twitter 12/21/20
My Thoughts On Twitter 12/19/20

“Setting Goals In A Rapidly Changing Reality” (Medium)

Medium published my new article “Setting Goals in a Rapidly Changing Reality

The world is changing at an ever increasing rate. This is a fact. But the direction in which humanity is evolving is a constant one. Many dilemmas afflict people today. A new mutation of the coronavirus suddenly arrives with new uncertainties — Will it extend the plague for an even more extended period of time? Meanwhile, we continue living from one lockdown to another. How can we set directions and goals in life in a reality that changes every moment?

The problem is that we spoil the plans for one another by wanting to impose our ways on others. The ego that grows in every person causes each to focus only on themself and to exploit others more and more to their advantage. This creates an artificial world where no one brings the other closer to balance, but rather the opposite.

Stress, loads of work, health issues, and endless concerns are some of the many aggravating factors that throw us off balance. This is modern life. So we search for a path forward that will restore calmness, a state in which we feel comfortable and enjoy the flow of life. However, by nature, everyone is built differently, and this can be seen from an early age. Some kids enjoy sitting and playing for long hours, while others are compelled to run after a ball from corner to corner.

Even in adulthood there are those who enjoy the challenge of encountering problems and improvising solutions. Without action, they fall into boredom or even depression. Others must feel in every moment a renewal in relation to achieving the goals they have set for themselves. Without change, they feel dead. Finally, of course, there are also many who are unable to tolerate change. Whichever characteristics are possessed, each one of us strives to feel enjoyment in life.

The problem is that we spoil the plans for one another by wanting to impose our ways on others. The ego that grows in every person causes each to focus only on themself and to exploit others more and more to their advantage. This creates an artificial world where no one brings the other closer to balance, but rather the opposite.

The Key to Coping Properly With Change

Feeling alone is the major source of all the stress and anxiety we experience, particularly when we are undergoing change. The solution lies in getting support from our environment.

When life summons us to confusing and difficult situations, talking to those who have been through similar situations can restore calm and balance. This provides us with new thoughts and additional perspectives that help us to build within us the best attitude to the changes we are going through. A supportive group can literally dilute the grief and pain of each and every individual.

Gradually, evolutionary forces will also turn us into components of a larger social system where each will perform integral actions towards the others out of awareness and understanding. This simply amounts to building complementary connections between us in every matter and at every level — from relationships within the family, through work and community, and to the level of the state.

Accordingly, the main capacity that will be required in the future will be skills for the arrangement of an integral lifestyle and world. This is the general direction toward which today’s reality is headed.

In the long run, professional areas, roles, and jobs will all collapse or prosper according to integral development criteria. This means that whatever leads to a mutually beneficial connection between human beings will succeed, and whatever works in the opposite direction will not survive. So already today, each of us should take this into account when setting our direction and goals.

Business owners will also have to adapt to the new demands of the times. Those businesses that will be able to direct themselves towards connection between human beings will flourish, and those that focus solely on their own technical occupation will fade away. Slowly we will see how such businesses will have no customers.

When choosing a profession, it will be important to pay attention not only to our individual preferences, but also to the relationships that prevail within the profession between people. Satisfaction and the ability to feel that one is fulfilling himself in the best way will depend on mutual help. In order to not feel lost and alone before work tasks, each one will need to feel part of a supportive team.

On the part of organizations, it will be the spirit that prevails among the employees that will determine its level of success. Therefore, it is worthwhile to seek the help of experts in creating integral relationships who know how to properly organize the workforce, giving everyone the understanding and feeling that it is through the optimal connection with others that a special atmosphere will be found that can propel the organization on a path to shared success.

Integration should reach a level where each one together with the rest will feel like one body, whose cooperation between its organs determines its level of healthy functioning. In any task wanting success, it will be clear to all that it will be worthwhile to build and keep an inclusive environment in which every opinion is valued. This is the only way to find the best possible solutions and the wisest decisions for an ideal future in our integral world.

“Tumultuous 2020 Is Out But We Aren’t Doing Anything To Make 2021 Less So” (Linkedin)

My new article on Linkedin “Tumultuous 2020 Is Out but We Aren’t Doing Anything to Make 2021 Less So

2020 is almost over but we are not doing any self-scrutiny to make 2021 less tumultuous and more pleasing to live through. Usually, we introspect at the end of the year, summarize and draw conclusions. This past year has been so uncanny, unpredictable, and inexplicable that we seem to have given up on the whole idea of making sense of it. So what do we do? We sit in the corner and wait. But what are we waiting for? If we don’t do anything, 2021 will be worse than 2020, there is no doubt about it.

Wherever hatred and suspicion are increasing, if 2020 has taught us anything, it is that hatred achieves nothing. It is time we tried cooperation. It is time we matured and realized that whatever happens, we have to live together, work together, and grow together. We have to build our communities as one society. And clearly, a society that’s founded on deep hatred is not one where people want to live and raise their children.

It’s good that we already recognize that we aren’t owners of our own future. However, that does not mean that we have no obligations for the present. And if we improve the present, there is no doubt that our future will also be better. Right now, we are living in a splintered society that reeks of hatred and distrust. If we work on that, will our future improve? Right now, alienation among us, depression, and social isolation are growing wherever we look. If we do something about it now, will it not make 2021 better?

Instead of dreading the future, we must look at the present and see where we can work to make things better. And the best and most effective place to work is among ourselves, in our families and communities, in our cities, states, and all over the country. The work we need to do is acknowledge the hatred that’s erupted among us and, despite its undeniable presence, acknowledge that we are dependent on each other. Trying to separate Republicans from Democrats is harder than separating the US from China; it will not work. The only option is to learn to live together, just as it’s been for generations.

And what is true of politics, is true of everything else. Wherever hatred and suspicion are increasing, if 2020 has taught us anything, it is that hatred achieves nothing. It is time we tried cooperation. It is time we matured and realized that whatever happens, we have to live together, work together, and grow together. We have to build our communities as one society. And clearly, a society that’s founded on deep hatred is not one where people want to live and raise their children.

A Step Toward Discovering The Meaning Of Life

202.0Question: If a person understands that he exists without meaning in life, but he does not yet have the need to achieve it, how can he take a step and want to find this meaning, literally control his fate? How does one move from one state to another?

Answer: This is only possible only through the right environment. There’s no other way.

In the science of Kabbalah, it is explained that if a person belongs to a special group of people who are interested in comprehending the meaning of life, rising to its highest level, above this world, in the control system of our life, then he can reveal it and becomes, even during his lifetime in our world, one who comprehends the upper world.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 12/7/20

Related Material:
Attaining The Meaning Of Life
The Meaning Of Life: The Question That Cannot Be Avoided
Is There Meaning To Our Lives?