How To Believe In Life At A Different Level?

625.05Question: You write in your books that by rising to a higher level, we will discover a different form of existence.

How can we people believe that if we were to start interacting correctly, we would reveal life at a different level? There is no evidence. Do we need to believe this?

Answer: We have no choice. We either accept it or we will suffer a lot and will still end up accepting it later but only through suffering.

Question: Why is it so hard? In addition to the fact that it is against our nature, we also need to unite and believe in this because there is no evidence.

Answer: In principle, purely theoretically, it is possible to imagine that if everyone could really rise above their individual, egoistic nature, then we could also eventually unite above our differences into a single, common, and altruistic nature.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 10/16/20

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