Covidophobia —A New Type Of Fear

961.2Question: Psychologists argue about the emergence of a new type of fear: Covidophobia. Some say that this is simply an exacerbation of a person’s past fears about their health. Others say that this is a special kind of fear that is being formed now. But they agree on one thing: the longer the pandemic and quarantine continue, the more such cases will appear.

How can a person stop being afraid in this coronavirus era?

Answer: I believe that this virus will continue to spread and ultimately lead us to a state where on one hand, we will all be afraid of it, and on the other hand, we will somehow get used to the fact that this is a given and we have to live with it. But one does not interfere with the other.

Despite the fact that we are surrounded by all sorts of threats to our life, we still exist. We will also live with this virus. Let’s become a little smarter, learn to adhere to some rules, and quietly continue to live with it. After all, other viruses will come, and there will be more problems. So gradually, we will get used to a different way of life.

We will see that this virus is actually even good. It educates us, brings us closer, and positions us correctly in relation to each other. In general, it removes completely unnecessary elements of communication or even elements of culture from our life. Obviously, this is necessary and we can do without them.

They say that whatever happens is for the best. On one hand, this is true. On the other hand, every problem continuously moves us forward. And therefore, one must be able to live with it.

And fighting against viruses will not help us. We already see it. It was never actually a fight. Viruses are impossible to fight. They are within us. We are all made up of billions of viruses—our entire body. Therefore, the point is not in the struggle, as if you are fighting with your own body, but in how to adapt yourself so as to exist along with it. And then life will seem a little more joyful and benevolent to us.
From KabTV’s “Kabbalah Express” 11/06/20

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