Spiritual World: Enjoying The Action

laitman_608.02Baal HaSulam, “Thou Hast Hemmed Me In Behind and Before”: This means that the whole path of creation that the Creator created is regarded as two opposites in one subject, and all the combinations in the world were made in this way, and this is the whole of the act of creation.

Therefore, nothing disappears in the spiritual world; everything remains. It is an eternal, perfect, ever-growing world.

Question: In the material world, pleasure is gained only as a result of an action, and therefore, if we could, we would gladly give up the action itself. But in the spiritual world, is the action itself the pleasure and is it without any connection with the result?

Answer: Of course.

Remark: But in our world, there are also such pleasures when a person is ready to do something for the sake of another.

My Comment: If there is love. My teacher gave such an example. Does the Queen of England have a desire to feed her little child? She does. Does she carry it out? She does.

But she has a thousand helpers, let them do it. No, she wants to feed the child herself because there is love. Any action, if accompanied by love, gives pleasure. And vice versa.

Question: Can this indication serve as a check for a person?

Answer: Of course. Therefore, even in our world, we do a huge number of actions out of a desire to please another, and then the actions themselves bring us pleasure.

Question: That is, if I want to check whether I am in equivalence of form with the Creator, then I should not expect a result since the action itself should bring me pleasure?

Answer: Absolutely.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 6/10/19

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