How The Upper World Is Revealed

laitman_938.04Correction can be made only with the help of the Torah, the upper light, which initially filled the common soul and then escaped from it and remained outside as the surrounding light. The light is waiting for the desires to be ready in order to re-enter them according to the law of similarity of properties. Therefore, all corrections are possible only through our connection: physical and mental. We must try to connect until we stop feeling that we are separated by bodies.

If we see bodies, this is a sign of how much we differ from each other. And as soon as we begin to rise above our material bodies, above the internal division, the material world melts and fades away.

This world does not remain: There are only desires connected with each other and striving for ever greater unity and connection. This is how we reveal the upper world instead of the world that is before us now; we begin to see matter from the inside.
From the World Kabbalah Convention “Day Three” – 2/21/19, “Covenant of Salt,” Lesson 9

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