Internal Teleportation

laitman_962.6I watch the news about what is happening in the country and in the world, and I rejoice at the wicked being revealed, that is, the revelation of the evil of the egoistic desire that demands to be corrected. The ego is screaming, begging us: “Why are you not correcting me?! To what extent do I have to reveal myself and immerse myself in the world?”

I rejoice at the fact that the world is finally beginning its gradual approach to the revelation of evil. People already understand that, on one hand, they cannot do anything about the ego because it is human nature, yet on the other hand, if we fail to eradicate it, it will kill us.

Therefore, people are beginning to think of how to eliminate the ego. Slowly, they try all possible methods and realize that none of them work. Our situation is hopeless. We are somewhere on the outskirts of a galaxy, spinning around a dwarf star on a tiny planet completely soiled with our waste. Life is ending and there are no perspectives. We are alone in the universe and soon there will be no life on planet Earth either. As they say, lights out.

This is how the situation looks frankly, but this is the revelation of evil at a point from which you can start thinking of what can be done. Perhaps someone would still give advice on how to save us. So, the ear begins to get tuned to such waves that were previously imperceptible: that there is life beyond our reality.

Our reality is multidimensional, and the revelation of the upper layer beyond our reality depends on our perception. If we change our internal perception of reality, we will suddenly find ourselves living in another world, as if teleportation had occurred and I suddenly feel myself in a different state, in another place.

This is all because I changed my internal values and began to live in another world. This world is said to exist only so that we would leave it. The escape from our world is the only reason for the existence of the universe, our planet, and the people on Earth. In general, this world is imaginary, and we begin to live in the real world.

I watch the news only from this angle, and therefore, I do not shed any tears. How can we change reality? It can change only if each of us changes. Reality depends on me and is felt inside me. Therefore, two people can see the same thing but one is crying and the other one is rejoicing. It all depends on how we perceive what is happening. I see everything as necessary steps toward correction, bringing us closer to goodness.1
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/5/19, “Building The Future Society”
1 Minute 13:15

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