Ibur—The First Contact With The Creator

laitman_294.3Readiness to rise above the material, to come to terms with it, is a prerequisite for entering the spiritual world, the first spiritual state called conception (Ibur). Of course, every spiritual state begins from corporeal darkness, the complete loss of the previous state and subjugation to it.

The group should help with overcoming this disturbance because the group is in a spiritual state, it cancels the former corporeal state, which therefore appears dark, black. It is help from above that we see it this way and are forced to connect with the friends to make efforts at a higher, spiritual level. In this way, we reach the first connection between us and, to the same extent, contact with the upper force.

If we try to unite in one heart, then we unite with the Creator into one whole. The first contact with the Creator is called spiritual conception (Ibur), the beginning of spiritual life.1

Spiritual conception (Ibur) is also built on subjugation, but even more rigid when I completely nullify myself before the upper one in everything without taking my feelings and opinions into account. Simple subjugation does not demand solidarity with the upper governance from me, only lowering before it.

In the state of the embryo (Ubar), I myself want the upper one to take control of me and I am ready to accept any of His leadership. I want the mind and heart of the upper one, His understanding, awareness, and attitude to life to get inside me, fill my desires, and reformat me again. I lose all my previous settings; what remains of me is only the material and my entire program comes from the upper one. This is not just subjugation, it is its next stage.2

Spiritual conception (Ibur) is subjugation at a higher level, complete devotion of the soul. I pass myself to the upper one and am honored to begin to develop inside him as an embryo (Ubar).3

The spiritual embryo is complete self-annulment before the upper one, before the power of bestowal, Bina, and readiness to accept everything that He will do to me, whatever may happen.

Subjugation is acceptance of the state that has already been revealed and for which calculations can be made with sensations known to me. Embryo (Ubar) is complete self-annulment, when I nullify myself in advance and agree with the unknown, with everything that will happen in the future; that is, I advance with faith. The power of Bina helps me to nullify myself before the upper one in this way.4

The work of the Creator begins with the fact that I completely nullify myself and ask the upper one to start working on me. Due to this self-annulment, subjugation, humbling before the property of bestowal, changes begin to occur in me, desires of bestowal are formed, that is, a drop of spiritual seed begins to develop.

Preliminary readiness for such a state is already built in us since it existed before the shattering and left a record (Reshimo). There is no coincidence here, all the stages are strictly determined step by step, and everyone will return to one’s root.

It is only in corporeal life that we can feel lost. In spirituality, all states are set to the last detail and change by absolute laws according to the information records left during the descent of the soul from top to bottom. We must go back to the root through the same steps.

Therefore, we can be certain that there can be no accident or error here, and we will surely pass all the spiritual stages: the stages of conception, the small state, maturation.

Everything is already planned, all we are required to do is only to help every action with our preliminary desire, our demand.

We do nothing by ourselves—everything is done by the light, this is the work of the Creator. We only need to understand how to invest our “half-shekel” so that the Creator will complete the rest of the work. I do what depends on me and the Creator completes, each time in the same way, step by step. Therefore, it is impossible to get completely lost; it all depends on how clean and faithfully we try to go.5
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/19, Ibur (Conception)”
1 Minute 0:20
2 Minute 13:35
3 Minute 37:30
4 Minute 45:59
5 Minute 41:30

Related Material:
Ibur (Conception)
Every Level Starts From Ibur (Gestation)
The Contact Point With The Creator

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